Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happiness is Optimistic

There are some moments where you see people skipping merrily down the street with an expression that says “my life is absolutely perfect”. And you are like “I wish I could be like that person”.

But you can be that happy person skipping down the street, right?

You can decide to be an optimist. But that doesn’t always help. You refuse to be a pessimist, no matter how frustrated and upset you are. You randomly decide to pick a music album that describes your life, with one of the songs saying, “I’m lovin, but I’m feelin like shit”. Just mixed feelings, that’s all…

Looking through the depths of your mind you try to envision where you’d be if you decided to follow a different path instead. While you debate about whether or not you made the right choices, you realize you are seemingly happy at the moment, but why not completely content. What’s missing?

After a long semester at school you come home and feel like you are basically holding friend auditions and cutting most of them. The days of being a doormat and someone to pour your trash on and someone to scapegoat for everything are now over. You’re just asking for respect and to be treated as a human being. Is that so hard to ask for?

While creeping on facebook you see these pictures of where you were that you are not in. You wish you could find somewhere to fit into these pictures, but it’s like there’s no room at the lunch table. That’s really happened when they clearly could have moved over and made some room. And then you begin to feel like you’ve been exiled from the group… Yes, it hurts! oh so bad!

Then the next day they’re gone and you ask where they went. Claiming they had homework to do and went to the library, someone tells you they went out to lunch after you clearly asked them the previous day if they wanted to go. Just do society a favor and quit making your fake excuses every single time. And quit trying to be promising when you are clearly aware there’s no hope. They eventually catch on. Just be honest, and if you really don’t want to then just tell me and then you can completely ignore me forever you morons. Life goes on; quit being shallow bastards. Lying is not a virtue… And neither is pulling that excuse card out of your rear end…

People ask why you put your emotions on paper and you reply that you feel like you can’t trust anyone and need some way to express yourself. Well, if people weren’t to busy being pretty little liars, these trust issues wouldn’t exist. Don’t hold your tears in there’s someone to give them to…somewhere… Venting is oh so necessary. After holding it in for almost six months, you’re ready to just throw those bottled emotions somewhere… *sends a text to your friends* They claim to be busy or unresponsive… what the hell?!? Everything’s blocking my breathing mechanisms. I NEED TO RELEASE EVERYTHING. Come on now, please don’t ignore me… who will listen to me? I am bound to break sometime soon. Hopefully it will be under my control!!

Love isn’t the easiest thing to find these days. It’s like finding Waldo in that silly children’s book. If you’re too impatient and decide to cave on the first person that shows feelings, then it will bite you, time and time again. Supposedly, there’s thing, you know, called patience. If you have it, may success soon be with you.

If you feel like your only purpose in life is to please other people, then think something else. If you feel like you absolutely have to please other people and you have to put every ounce of effort into it, then they aren’t worth your time. If they tell you that you aren’t good enough, then they can go rot... No one ever deserves to stand for that. If someone is your real friend, then it should be effortless…

People may think drugs are their only way to get by in life. Well, that is SO untrue. Even if your best friend does it, you don’t have to. If it gets to be out of hand, what do you do? Confront them? They don’t listen to you. Now what? Get them help? Stop talking to them until decide to change, which they probably won’t… Because all drugs will do is hinder your true potential in life.

If you ever, ever, ever question the faithfulness of someone, well, come on now. If someone lies to you, it may cause you to have severe trust issues. But trust doesn’t come on a silver platter. Even someone throwing the excuse card constantly can cause issues because it shows how unreliable they are. If you ever get cheated on, that just screws everything up. But what if they do decide to come through?? They just need to prove themselves. And if they fail, then sayonara! Hopefully your family will never let you down…

Playing a useless game and being lazy isn’t always the best way to go. Breaks are necessary after a stressful day or whatnot. But if all you do is sit on your rear end, then you’re going to go nowhere. It always feels like there is something to do. If only there was more time to do things and sleep was less necessary. Then everything could be accomplished!!

Time is of the essence… a basic phrase you often hear. If only there was time to get 10 hours of sleep per day, study, practice, have a social life, work, go to class, do extra activities… you know. Even an extra 6 hours in the day, that would make a huge difference. Who likes getting up at 4am to go to work, or at 6am to get ready and eat breakfast before your 8am class? That’s too early. We gotta do what we gotta do. But people are becoming more and more ill due to exhaustion and stress.

Not like how you look?? But food is sooooo good! Your eating habits are a big part of your weight. Stress, sleep, and exercise are also very important. You also need to have time to do all of these things so you can manage yourself, your sanity, and your body. If you only eat everything that tastes good, such as fast food, you will turn into a whale. If you balance your diet and eat meals with lots of fruits and vegetables in them and natural ingredients and work out a couple days a week, sticking to that will show some major results…

Feel like you screwed up somewhere? Second chances usually aren’t given, but can sometimes be given out way too easily. Don’t take ANYTHING from other people, but don’t explode to anyone, or it will be thrown right back in your face. All you can do is try your best and not get so hung up over everything. Being paranoid will only kill you in the end…

Think your only purpose in life is to make people look bad to make yourself happy, including your own family members?? In that case, you’re a complete jerk. But it also shows you are very insecure and have a low self esteem and try to lower someone’s who is either very high or very low. Haters are haters and won't be part of my life. If you want to be a complete douche, gtfo and go somewhere else. Hope you get screwed even more so you can see how it feels. No one deserves to be treated without the utmost respect…

Tired of people pissing you off? Well it’s time to stand up for yourself. Independence is always nice though. You want to be a people pleaser, but that’s not the most important thing, because the entire world won’t like you. However, if those certain people who you haven’t pleased decide to treat you poorly, as well as those on your side… well don’t just stand there. Do something!!!! Don’t tell them to gtfo or start cursing at them, but be the bigger person and nicely confront them and tell them what they’re doing hurts you. If you don’t, then no one will take you seriously…

Quit worrying, dude! You gotta have some confidence! You probably didn’t mess up, no matter how much you think you did. The world is not out to get you, unless of course you’re Osama Bin Laden or some terrorist. Take a load off my dear. Don’t be so paranoid. Getting hung up on something small is so silly, but it happens so often. Just chill, breathe. It will be fine!

Making decisions is one of the toughest things to do, whether it’s to study, go out, or give up on people you think are douchebags and treat you like garbage. It can change your path forever. That may put a lot of pressure on you. But a few years down the road, realizing that you were strong enough to make that difficult choice, you won’t have any regrets…

To sum it up, the world is no perfect place to live. So many people have given up just because of one bump in the road. If you feel like you are that person with so many that it’s too hard to handle, never give up. It may be one of the most cliché phrases out there, but yet it’s so powerful. If you get treated poorly, take matters into your own hands. Don’t just let it happen or you’ll feel hurt and be shoved into a hole that it will take forever to crawl out of. Don’t ever think you need drugs to survive, because whether you think everyone hates you, there are a few people who have taken their actions out of control and you are just so frustrated you feel like you have nowhere to turn to anymore, the effects are irreversible. If people exile you from their little clique, screw them. You’ll soon find somewhere you belong. You may encounter people who lie, but not every word you hear is a lie. No matter what, somewhere you may have not located yet, there are people out there who love you to death who will give you all the respect you deserve. Whether you realize it or not, there are; those are the people you can put all your trust in and they will allow you to hold onto it forever. You never have to be paranoid about that. Don’t ever feel useless, because no one is. You are the one who can provide something special to this world, no matter how long it takes. You will find time to do it. If you attack the world with confidence and stay strong no matter what, then you will be that happy person skipping down the street.

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