Friday, August 10, 2012

Go the Distance

It's all so far away. But it's so close I see it in the distance; I want it so bad. People can be so darn hurtful sometimes; That's nothing new to me. I know exactly what I want. But some people don't. I have virtually everything I could ever ask for. Maybe you're just jealous I am happier than you are. If that is true, don't put me down. People who put others down are inhuman to me because I believe in eternal kindness. If you want to be inhuman, people will see you as inhuman. If you are inhuman, then I will just call you Voldemort and move on. You will deserve a cursed name. I will chase my dreams, while you will stay put. You will live a sick and twisted life in misery while I see unicorns and rainbows. You will get nothing and I will get everything. Most imperatively, I will move on with my life, living happier than you ever will!

We live in a sick and twisted world. Trust is near impossible to give and you sometimes feel like you ran into a dead end. There is no such thing as giving up and time is of the essence. As long as you listen to all of those corny sayings and quotes that everyone posts, you will be fine. Live by your own motto, make your own quotes, make your own mark, and you will go very far. If you follow your own path, then you will be able to go the distance. When you find that destination point, you will never, ever feel lost.

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