Saturday, October 27, 2012


That moment when people talk down to you...

Your confidence is low
You feel lost and lonely
You even wonder why someone who should be so close to you seems like they're turning their back on you

That moment where people ridicule you...

You're scarred
You're scared
You're chock full of sorrow

Years later, you finally overcome the fear and realize how much of a disease it really is. Feeling strong, you walk over to the water and stare at your glistening reflection. Flashbacks begin to engulf your mind...

You take a seat and cry for about an hour and realizing what you missed because of the plague. You can't go back nine years, but you can go forward nine minutes and begin to make a difference!

When you mentor someone, they call you “the best tutor ever”
When you lead an organization, many people thank you for your contributions
When you help the people you love the tools they need to thrive, they kiss you at your feet
You realize how much you have paid it forward. You can get people off the ground. You have the power!

But you're living on borrowed time in a borrowed space
Alone in a place that isn't really yours, but you use it anyways
With headphones blasting metal
Wanting to lock yourself away
But being in a public place
Sipping on a drink
With the loud piercing sound keeping me sane
That's what I say
While I stare into space...

If you walk across the water with a humble mind
You will complete your task and get quite a few gold stars
You will be viewed as a hero to your peers
The water will hold onto the nine minutes you have to complete your task
Completely alone
But you still survive

If you walk across the coal with an arrogant soul
Your heart will be sold
The devilish spirit will make you cold
But you think you're bold
You think you're so smooth, eh?
In due time, your life will just revolve around needing nine of everything

You have nine friends
Nine lives
But not nine strikes

You need to have a proper frame of mind
Or the clown mirrors will attack your perspective
You're alone in a room caught in a hurricane
Seeing yourself as just an animal...

Curling into a ball, you sob, waiting for someone to come rub your back
At least you're not always stuck in the background
That's what a frontman does
A president is a leader of an organization
But can a woman do something this big in a world that shouldn't see man as superior?

Will everyone understand... or just some
You just need to come
Come back to where you're from
So you can show how it's done!

Everything is a big pile of maybe
On the minds of many
Maybe should take nine minutes to ask yourself why...
Do you want this nonsense to last?
Or do you want to take a trip into the serene beauty?
Just modulate...
Maybe that will take you somewhere
Where nine isn't your life...

Don't give up
Keep going
Don't let life bring you down
Just the normal cliché things one would say to motivate...
If you do those, you can free yourself from nine
And enter into the magic world of now!

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