Friday, April 11, 2014

Rear View Mirror

Just stop looking in the past and start looking in the now! That's what you to to produce a gleaming vibe! That's the gist of this spoken word poem in a nutshell. Enjoy!

The end of the road is a lot closer than you think it is…
Or is it…?

Tunnels are dark enough to require a fire when you’re in dire need to break free
Or else they will consume the brightness from the sky
But where are you going?
You need to figure that out don’t you…
It sure isn’t on the path that everyone told you to run along…
Nope… it definitely is not!

If the path isn’t “that” way, then where is it?

You’re stuffed with a stomach full of questions
And famished for knowledge and answers…
With that, you proceed in your desperate search for the buried treasure with the only thing in your back pocket being all of the resilience you possess…

Eventually, you tumble and fall into a wall while feeling not so tall...

You wake up to look around
Only to see a glimpse of your past standing in your rear view mirror
While the Now is holding up a neon sign that’s begging you to come a little closer…
But you keep looking back… as far back as your vision permits you to see until you eventually decide to snap out of the negative trance when all you’re doing is telling yourself how rotten of a person you are…

But you’re NOT!

At some point, the red-blooded fear makes a valiant attempt to intercept your heart from your side mirrors while you fight to the death to not fall victim to the norm…
The norm is those who can’t see outside their walls and those who fail to successfully continue fighting and you end up stuck in a vicious loop and struggle to climb out…
Because all you’re doing is continuing to look in your rear view mirror…

Feeling trapped is like being stuck in sinking quicksand while barefoot…
You're forced pool your resources together in a desperate attempt to promptly solve the puzzle and win the game
As you end up sitting upon the solution that's consumed by a stream of self doubt within a puddle of mud...

If you keep telling yourself how much you're not capable of, you'll end up sinking... lower and lower until a mysterious voice from above shows you the meaning of mystery and motivation that keep you climbing towards the top!
Otherwise, madness and despair will swallow you whole!

Just quit looking behind you and start making some forward progress!
Because your rear view mirror is definitely not in the gold-filled treasure chest!

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