Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Check Out Penguin Parkour IPhone Game

Wanna see cute little penguins jumping over walls? If you think penguins are as adorable as they appear and like playing games on your phone when you have free time or a long commute, you should check out Penguin Parkour! It's in the app store already and a LOT of time and effort was put into making this game... it even looks like it was professionally made at a major gaming company!

Here's the website for the game: http://krisakers.com/home.html
Here's the link to the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/penguin-parkour/id624388537?ls=1&mt=8
Here's the link to a preview of the game: http://youtu.be/9VBablL4Urc

I've seen and played this game before and give it 10 stars out of 5! The graphics, the physics, the spring walls... all spot on! You can tell this game was made with a lot of heart, passion, and many many hours. Enjoy your penguin-ing!

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