Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wake Up

Wake up!
Wake up!
It’s time to get your ass out of bed,
And shine brighter than seeing eye to eye with flames!
You have a destination to reach!

There’s an entire day ahead of you.
You slowly creep from the comforting slumber cloud,
Foot by foot emerges from the cave to the ground,
Wipe those sand-sacked eyes, you sillyface!
You’re going to be late again!

The internal alarm goes off and you jump, and twirl, and dance around your living space,
In the same fashion as Snow White cleaning her apartment with animal cuteness,
Telling yourself, “today, I will conquer the forces of life”
Even if you don’t always feel that way when you walk outside.

You smile at the bus driver, tell him good morning, and take a seat,
Engulfing yourself in online news gossip and the slew of text messages you woke up to.
Your stop approaches and you dance away, waving hello to everyone who exchanges a glance.
It’s almost time to enter success land… or so you think.

Walking in as the new kid in school, with your flowery black and pink dress ensemble, and a neon sign saying “colorful person willing to help, I have joy and smiles to share and a goal to reach, can I join?”, in hopes to make a difference.
She is handed a picture of a maze where the illustrator forgot to add the end symbol, and sent on her way.

The face once filled with pink is now filled with blue,
Proceeding onward to be locked all alone in the confines of a 7x10 grey, thin-walled box for several hours,
You tell yourself, “I can still do this… I can still do this”,
And before you know it,
Your destination has been unlocked.

Towels were about to be thrown into the ring,
But you put up a valiant fight and emerged triumphant. 
You let yourself color outside the lines,
With your flowery black and pink dress ensemble,
The joy and smiles,
And the optimism shining through the previously blank walls,
Now painted with color.

Wake up!
Wake up!
Aren’t you glad you got out of bed today?

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