Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Lenses (Revised)

I decided to give this lovely poem a revision. I am highly interested in doing spoken word poetry and this will be the first piece I will use for it. I just need to make some musical background and record myself.

Here's the new and improved version of Lenses:

Do you see that yellow brick road in front of you? Maybe so. It's just some cliche concept people refer to as following life's rugged pathway. Forget your lenses? They're somewhere. Maybe these lenses are staring at you… or even on that stage in front of you… in a place you are never alone, where you are not looking at the phone or through those bones… when you are at a miserable place that's supposed to be known as home... 

Satisfaction by your side in a world unknown. Such a world, known as music, is more than a mere noise, sound, or rhythm. It's a way of life!

There is no reason to fear a form of self-expression. Piercings, tattoos, hair, clothing… all make up style. It's your own. It's your personal beauty. It can even bring a group closer!

Wherever you may be, you can run into a world of disgrace… Your heart, bulletproof, produces a long string of words that are everyone else's to decipher. All the while, they are yours, hopefully… not just someone else's work fed into your mouth just to achieve popularity. They should be yours to take pride in, not for publicity and fame. They should be a joy that people cherish and not drool over. They should be for you, not to impress anyone except for you… and maybe your crew! But don't get blue...

Nowadays, the true definition of music is to your discretion. These so called "stars" are trying to taint your lenses with fame, fortune, and luck. The lyrics have no depth, they were mass produced, and a true musician would vomit. They are quite catchy, but that's not the point... 

Thankfully, a cover can paint some color to a dull frame. It can give a new image to a tainted lens. It will create a vivid image of life, ranging from girls seeking boyfriends, girls breaking up with their boyfriend, a wife leaving, etc… Or my personal favorite… "my dog died and my tractor broke and my life sucks so I'll drink from a red solo cup" But this image will be from someone else's mind through your lenses…

It is all still of a larger entity, whether for fame, for you, or a smaller audience soon to grow, it is for you. It is from your heart, through your soul, and pulsating through your veins. It's within you. It is about life through your lenses. Whether or not people understand, it's their loss; that is why there are multiple genres. You can go through a hurricane and exit dead or alive. It's all on you!

No matter what you choose, the path you take, the life you live, it's all a choice. People can criticize, hurt, hate, demoralize, but you are still you, no matter what. Don't drive into the deep end of depression, angst, and bittersweet memories. Take pride in life's beauty and mystic wonders. It's life through YOUR lenses. And that's all that really matters...

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