Sunday, March 29, 2020

Hide and Seek

Sometimes I feel the need to play hide and seek from myself;
My best friend is my vape pen…

If I’m sad, I’ll hit my pen.
If I’m anxious, I’ll hit my pen.
If I’m anything except on top of the world, I’ll hit my pen.

The sad news is the pain is like a band-aid.
The pain goes away temporarily and comes right back.

I wish someone would help me out of my hiding place,
Even though my hiding place is within.

Why am I hiding in the first place?
I want to be here, but not where I am right now,
Therefore, I place a veil over my heart to not fully expose myself.

When someone special decoded to come in and see through the veil, it makes me want to take it off, even though the veil is crazy glued to me.

Do you actually want to see what’s inside?

Ok fine, you can have it!

I just need to believe in myself and in you while manifesting and acting towards certainty.

Thank you for convincing me to be me and igniting my flame!

I shall remove my veil and get better;
Now I can finally see myself thriving!

Time to put the pen down!

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