Saturday, December 22, 2012


I wrote this poem based on my thoughts of the Sandy Hook shooting. I just think something like this is awful and shouldn't ever be considered a common occurrence. Though it shall never be forgotten, we need to continue to realize that life goes on, live in the Now, and find ways to better ourselves and this country from this situation. We can sit here and pout about it all we want, we can sit here and say how we "plan" on executing all these plans, but there won't be change unless people are proactive and actually act on their words!

Look at this place
Tainted by evil
This situation
Caused a more than enough mayhem

A once quaint area, destroyed by tragedy
Innocent lives
Stripped away by the devil
A once happy town now mourns with sorrow

No one wants to fall
And lose it all
To one who never deserved to exist
And doesn't even deserve to spit
Because he was only a waste of space

Who would want such a thing to happen
Something to spark a worldwide phenomenon
It will be a painful recovery
Doable when everyone comes together
But we can't wait on the world to change

This isn't the place for shock
This isn't the place for killing
No one deserves to die
No one deserves to feel this terrible ailing

This man should have been fed to the dogs
This happens way too often
Someone should have stepped in to help
In order to prevent people from seeing the red in the world

Some people think life is a Cinderella story
Bring a gun and it will turn into your worst nightmare
Life is beautiful
But shouldn't be viewed with a veil

Should we have seen this coming
Or should we have used our firepower to stop it?
What caused this to happen?
We may never know

This day will live in infamy
Along with the other days filled with tragedy
But why do we think as such?
We still need to see the good above the evil
It's shocking, but true!

We still wonder why we think of tragedy instead of wonder
Why we decide to look more into the dark of the day instead of the light at the end of the tunnel
Why people recognize death instead of charity and beauty
We need to put our shine on
But not disregard the black

As we pray for peace
We wish for infinite protection
And come together
To band as one
Providing a safe haven
For those who suffered
Providing comfort
To those who are now feeling despair
In a sick and twisted tragedy

We can never point a finger at the problem
Only to the devil
But find all possible to change
All necessary to cause a triumph
Find justice
Find peace
Sing out loud
Have your voice heard
Shed a waterfall of tears
And take a deep breath
Filled with relief
Filled with joy
Even if you're affected
Just take a breath of fresh air

Find a way to fight evil
Find a way to fight all fears
We can say we're going to fight
But we actually have to fight to win!

What about now to see the sun?
We shouldn't always look for the black hole in the puzzle
It may be no fairy tail ending to live without your loved one
The heroes should be rewarded
More than a purple heart
If only they can be rewarded with another chance
But that's not how life works

Sing out loud
Sing to the clouds
Escape from hell

Let's rid ourselves from this sin
Never forget
But remember we can always come together
As one free nation
And not dwell on what we don't have or what we lost
But focus on the Now
Focus on the beauty
Focus on the seeing the stars at night

Take a moment
Smell the flowers
Because they may never come back
You only have one chance
Go with a bang!
Gaze at the clouds!
Walk with your head held up high
And hope it never, ever happens again!

We can act
We can change the world
We can't bring people back
But we can continue to pay it forward
And advocate kindness and pure heart

We can continue to be reminded of life's beauty
And take a moment
See the light
Past this sick and twisted tragedy!

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