Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thoughts on a Train Ride

Just another spoken word poem on the thoughts that run through my head when I'm on the L in Chicago commuting everywhere or to/from work. Enjoy! Last updated 9-5-15!

Sigh, another day in the office has come and gone to have done practically nothing yet again.
The taste of dull grey dampens the dopamine sensors usually circulating through my veins to spread love and joy,
And I could sure use a sight of smiles right now…

I walk outside through the revolving doors, exclaiming, “I’m free at last, victory is mine”!
Why hello there commute land, it is nice to see you again…

It’s again that time to board the stuffed Chicago Red Line Transit Train at rush hour o’clock pm.
At least I don't have to stand today.
Meanwhile, my mind feels like a messy apartment being struck by a tornado…

Sigh, I wish I could consistently use my time to its fullest potential,
No matter where I am,
But I am suffering from fried brain and am too toasted to be productive or read right now…
I guess I’ll go to distracted land…

Crap, now I’m starting to fall asleep… and I’m still 10 stops away… I can do this, I can really do this!

Oh look, my favorite, the loud chitter chatter about people’s days, work complaints, or other high level train talk…

What else do I see or hear besides people yapping away…
A business man in a suit reading the New York Times, some older lady reading 50 Shades of Grey, a different man sleeping across 4 seats who’s covered in blankets, snoring quite loudly, as well as some college students playing Sudoku and doing their homework at the last minute...
And of course... the leg spreaders, obnoxious gum chewers, loud phone talkers, people coughing and spreading germs, and the inconsiderate lameos who take up 2 seats with themselves and their crap.

I’ll just keep finding something to pass the time... tickity... tockity... tickity… tockity…
I must focus! Must…pull out phone… and write something… I feel like I’m wasting time… nooooo!!!

Three stops later… “Attention passengers, we are standing momentarily waiting for signal clearance, we expect to be moving shortly”, which pisses people off.
Where’s the positivity that needs to shine through the mundane?
Why do people feel rushed and caught up all the time?
I wish I could be glowing and holding a golden lit-up orb to project some light in here…
In the meantime, I’ll put up my “despair-be-gone” shield to block the negativity and think about how my dear friend from the sky energizes me with the power of contagious smiles…

Yay the train’s moving again!

Unfortunately, there are still 7 stops to go…

Shortly after this delay, a father and his super adorable son who looks to be no more than 5 walk onto the train…

This little boy is bouncing off walls and looks like he drank a glass of magic happy hyper sugar juice prior to his journey.
He seems to be the only one who can find fun in this joint... without a care in the world...
Those surrounding the little boy see him as irritating due to his hyperness, but I see him as the spark of joy we need in our lives, just like smiles!

The father and his son leave 3 stops later and the atmosphere is uplifted!
If only the rest of this train could have a glass of magic happy hyper sugar juice!

I’m continuing to stare blankly on this moving train... and trying not to fall asleep... or drop my phone...
Falling asleep… must… be… productive… must stay awake… must… zzzzzz…

*ding dong… doors closing…* Wilson is next…
NOOOOOOOO how did I miss my stop?
Guess I should actually get some sleep if I’m falling asleep in public again and actually want to be productive…

But regardless of silly setbacks and downer people, it’s just a train ride!
Just be sure to know that trains always move forward,
Productivity will find you,
And the light is strong enough to shine through the windows!

Dissipate the Darkness

My spoken word poem on deleting injustices, mainly prompted by racism/segregation, The Michael Brown case, police brutality, etc. It would be pretty cool to find a way to get rid of all this crap, while wishing we were in a utopia… Enjoy! Last modified 2-6-15!

Oh injustice…
Do you remember the days standing in your grade school classroom… facing the flag… right hand over your heart… the room filled with silence and respect… while converting itself to one voice… “I pledge allegiance… to the flag”
A promise needing to be embraced and withheld forever…

Martin Luther King once said “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”

Dearest injustice…
Why must you cause aggression to our own species?
And treat people like slavery still exists…
Eviscerating humanity with dehumanization and slander… just for possessing views detached from the norm and wearing a color other than white on our back every day…

We fight civil wars against ourselves…
The same team… divided in half… being torn apart by our default qualities… only to end the argument with violence, destruction, and brutality
But that’s not a good enough reason to upset a population…
What ever happened to uniting us like a rainbow?

Covered in a hidden blanket of segregation, humanity is regressing through the evils of racism and "different” people being an illness to society…
And as much as we want to see life as a positive space flowing radiantly with energy all the time, take a moment and look through the lens of truth…
No matter how cloudy and dark, there will always be a glimmer of light…

We as a race split like the changing of seasons… white vs black… Jewish vs Christians, male vs female… yet we are human… a group of mammals with feelings,
And I wish that wasn’t so fucking hard for us to realize…

Statistics say how women and minorities are viewed as less than “the standard man” in society’s initiations and documents…
Did you know women weren’t allowed to vote in the US until 1920? On top of that, they still have to cover parts of their body (and in some countries their entire body), make at least 20% less than men for the same job, and are even subject to sexual exploitation in some countries…
If your skin looked of dark chocolate, 100% of you couldn’t even vote until 1965… even worse, you had to sit in the back of the bus, receive less quality services and amenities, and were treated as a second class citizen in the same country…
They and other minorities are forced to begin the race from behind because of how they were born…

The prayer continues… “And to the republic… for which it stands… one nation… under God… indivisible”… INDIVISIBLE
We are HUMAN goddamnit!

Why can’t we just work together instead of hiding in a vile of selfishness, which is used to poison our precious people and flaw our decision-making?

Can we PLEASE start a movement where people extend a hand to help one another and do it without hesitation?
Really, let’s do it!
If you want to make the world a better place, jump on the bandwagon and let’s do it!

Oh injustice…
Let’s dissipate the darkness, shine the light towards the existing beauty, and unite to play same team!
You shall be vanquished like Mario defeating Bowser for the very last time in world 8…

The prayer concludes in recitation behind several voices… “with liberty and justice for all…”