Friday, December 23, 2016

Harmful Effects of Sitting Too Long

With being an Uber driver and having worked at a desk job, sitting leads to long-term harmful effects; poor posture makes it worse. Being sedentary and leaning into your desk screen is harmful for the body because your muscles and vertebrae are strained when you’re not moving. Sitting also leads to brain fog, decreased mood, and increased stress levels. Driving also leads to over use of your knee from pumping the gas and brakes, which leads to alignment issues and muscle strain. According to, sitting can cause obesity due to slowed metabolism and heart issues due to the calorie burning effect not being at its fullest potential, even if you exercise regularly. Driving for too long can also cause fatigue, which can cause accidents leading to bodily injury.

People are supposed to be active and need to move around during the workday especially. It is recommended to stretch, take walks, or sit on a wobbly object in order to utilize your muscles and pump blood to the brain. A standing desk would also be helpful. Walking away from your desk during long periods of sitting and focusing also resets the brain in order to be able to adequately focus. Take advantage of any moment to catch a break; it could truly make a difference in your day and your life!


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