Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Weightloss Journey: The Road to the Finish Line

I was going to make a super long, extensive introduction about my weight issue, but I didn't think it would be necessary for getting my main point across. Long story short, I am overweight, admit to it, and want/need to lose about 50-60 pounds. In my quest to inspire others, I need to first inspire myself and this, prove a major point to the rest of the world of who I really am. That way, I can make my mark on the world while looking a lot healthier and better on the outside!

If you desire for a back story, I was never overweight until college, but as soon as my high school sports slowly ceased, my diet slowly began falling down the drain with that. After my junior year of high school post-karate, I started gaining weight. With buffet style food in the college dining centers and freedom comes a lack of control. When I ended up in a lousy apartment situation my junior and senior year, I did whatever I can to "get by" and get through that situation, got busier in school, looking for a job, running a club, etc. With that came a loss of focus on diet and exercise, resulting into becoming overweight.

Weight loss is never an easy thing to do. I also had 2 unsuccessful attempts at Weight Watchers. It's a wonderful program, but I didn't fully commit to it either time. The only way to achieve success is to give 100% every time! Not every goal can be accomplished by overanalyzing the big picture, but by breaking it down into bite-sized pieces. Not everything comes right away, but with time, patience, and effort. The pain you suffer through now will result in a larger and gratifying quantity of success later.

You can say "you're going to do it" 500x or more, but words don't mean a thing until you implement them. I know I'm guilty of that. Those of you who say you're going to do it later, get up and do it now. Time is precious and life is short. Live it to the fullest by being healthy now and don't waste anymore time thinking and dreaming about something.

Those of you who want to embark on this journey with me, feel free to follow me on here or like me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RebsMcduxler. World, we are in this together. Who's with me at taking a stand now? Keep a positive attitude and your heart open. With that, you will open the gate to a bright future! Updates will be posted frequently!

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