Friday, August 7, 2015

Living Your Life

Friday morning philosophies about the meaning of life a la Rebs: what it means to be living your life. Happy Friday, beautiful day everyone! :D

Life: You wake up every day with a goal in mind of how you’re going to better yourself, even if the opportunity to do so isn’t right in front of you. You walk out the door and have a map and destination plotted in your head. You think you’re going to turn one direction and end up having a sudden urge to deviate or an obstacle falls in front of you and you have to walk around it. Your destination can unexpectedly change in an instant, and you have to breathe and keep moving. You slip, you fall, you pout, scream, even fail a few times, and still have the will to get up. The mindset of a champion is engrained in your brain, even though it may take tripping over your shoelaces a few times to learn your lesson. Some battles are victorious and others end in defeat. The finish line is located “somewhere”. While some people think there’s no such thing, some turn around and go home, but no, you will keep looking until you are physically unable to do so anymore. Plenty of people are met along the way. Wisdom is exchanged. Opportunities are lost, found, and created. Stories unfold, recorded, and are later told. You eventually become tired and wonder why it’s taking so long to find the finish line. You feel like you’re running around in circles and stuck in a loop. You feel like you’re about to go crazy and possibly even lose everything; you do everything in your power to stay afloat, even if it means having visions of tossing your computer out  the window. You feel like nothing is happening and are displeased with yourself because you don’t think you’re doing enough, even though you are doing everything in your power and will to reach the top. After taking a few moments to check in with yourself, you wonder what it means to be living your life. Do you want to know how to live your life? Well first, you actually have to wake up, walk out the door, go exploring, get eaten by wolves a few times, and keep attempting the game an indefinite number of times until you reach the goal. Do you want to live your life? Get on the other side of the door and go cross the street. A vast universe is ready for you to paint it! Resilience shall always prevail, because you can win and you will win!

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