Thursday, August 27, 2015

Questions to ask in Interviews (for Technology)

Do you have any interviews (or IT interviews) coming up soon? If so, asking questions in interviews make it seem like you're interested in the company and the job you're applying for. In not much particular order, here is a nice list of some good questions to ask (if you know any other ones, feel free to comment below):

What types of technologies do most people work with?

Will there be any gaps in being assigned projects and if so, what usually happens during the gap/break period?

How long does each project last for?

Are there opportunities for training, going to conferences, other development opportunities, etc.

Do you guys get involved with the community through philanthropy?

Do you guys get involved with the IT community by being a part of IT networking groups?

Do people generally work on teams more or are they more of individual contributors?

Are there “clubs” (resource councils), such as “the advancing professionals resource council”, Toastmasters, “working families resource council”, etc.?

Are there opportunities for advancement?

Where do you see the company going in terms of technologies in the next 5 years?

Is there a recent graduate onboarding program?

Do you get placed with a mentor or someone who acts similar to a mentor?

How do people generally dress for work?

What is your viewpoint on diversity and inclusion (ex hiring women, people of unique ethnic backgrounds)?

Are team members open to answering lots of questions, especially from newer employees?

How long do people generally stay at the company for?

How does your company strive to be at the top (of its game)?

Is it easy to be open in regards to expressing concerns with other employees and managers?

Is much travel required?

(For a consulting company) is work generally done onsite or do people go over to the client’s location?

What traits does a successful employee possess and what does it take to be successful within this company?

Is there a lot of employee bonding and camaraderie?

Is there someone you work with to help you manage and drive your career?

What happens on a day to day process for a developer?

Do programmers collaborate and/or do pair programming?

How is the office environment setup?

Last Question: What are the next steps in the interview process?

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