Monday, July 8, 2013

Sacred Sword

This is basically my rendition of what I think our Independence Day should be like... with a little side story of what happened to me during my holiday. Basically, my friend's car broke down and I kindly sat with him in the parking lot where it fried for about 3 hours at night and 3 hours the next morning to wait for his car to get towed. Most people probably wouldn't have the patience to sit in a parking lot for that long with their friend either. So few people realize and appreciate the value of patience. It's a very wonderful trait to have!

Once a year
Our sovereign nation celebrates independence
But how do we celebrate individually?

Some listen to pop culture music being performed
Some have backyard barbecues
Some light fireworks
Some like to party

"oh… mai… gawd… hashtag… 'murica"

People and their crazy catch phrases
But how do you celebrate

Not everything is what it seems
Many are ignorant to the true meaning of freedom
Using immature catch phrases to describe complex concepts
Others can go on their tirades of complying about what the country has done wrong for us
But what has it done right for us?

Does blowing things with a pretty-colored display up signify patriotism
Or does it represent a glorification of what this country truly means…
Blasting our sorrows away
Potentially causing crazy accidents
Indulging in delicious delights

No one expects a spectacular display to spiral out of control
Causing dreadful disasters…

The power of the American dream is to live every day to the fullest
Making the best of every situation
Living like waking up and your lungs filling with air is a blessing

What outlandish thing can happen?
A day of glorious celebration with friends turning into a night in a parking lot?

You never know what can happen
The unexpected can occur at any time
Optimism needs to be utilized through dreary smoke-filled clouds
Winding away the ashes
Bringing out the fresh air and beauty of daybreak

Did you have to volunteer to help your friend out?
Spending a joyous holiday in a parking lot...
You know you could have just selfishly went back to the party
The standard crowd would
But you are different...

Kindness and patience are commonalities
Only few share this trait
Those who witness it appreciate it and bow down to it
Those who possess it treat it like a sacred sword
Treating it like a virtue

While making this sacrifice
Knowing you're the one providing the comfort
Realizing that people in this country give up more than one night
They sacrifice their life
Just to help
But why don't people always want to help
And why do people always indulge in selfish desires
Ignoring and disregarding all negativity

Seeking the beautifies of simplistic pleasures
Indulging on knowledge from the wise with rough pasts
Thirsty to help
Celebrating freedom
Blessed for what you do have
With a sole purpose
To spread love
And endorse patience
Within the beauty around us!

If you want some more inspiration or find out when I post my next poem or blog post, like me on Facebook:

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