Sunday, December 8, 2013

RIP Paul Walker: Why Are Celebrity Deaths Glorified So Much?

Paul Walker was definitely a legendary actor and what happened to him is a tragedy (and quite scary). My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and fans of course. On November 30, 2013, tragedy struck with a man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time...

But here's my question. Why is he SO much more important than anyone else who died. He's receiving more recognition than military personnel and Nelson Mandela. Yes, I will give him credit for his movies being pretty good, but come on, people die every second. Come on, I hadn't even HEARD of this person until my facebook was spammed with people posting "omg, RIP Paul Walker... blah blah blah..." There are children starving in Africa and probably dying every few minutes, and instead, the oh so lovely media likes to focus their attention on someone who entertains us. Is an actor dying really "that" noteworthy besides just notifying the public that he's dead, being honored, and having a funeral? He's just another person too...

Spread the word if you agree. We need to stop glorifying celebrity deaths so much and focus on what really matters, like making the world a better place, ending homelessness, not screwing veterans over, helping third world countries evolve and have fresh drinking water, and other business like that. Celebrities are no better than humans and society needs to stop displaying them as superior. People are people. Let's just move on already and continue to think about the future! We can't change the past, he isn't coming back, and we will continue to live our lives without him!

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