Saturday, December 21, 2013

Views of the Duck Dynasty Controversy

If you have no idea what happened, or what Duck Dynasty is, it's basically a show on A&E that features the lives of some crazy hillbillies who own a successful business that makes products for duck hunters. Phil Robertson, who is very right-winged, made a video which denounced anti-gays. Well… if you're some high-profile reality star with the media all over you, why in your right mind would you express your views over a controversial and sensitive topic where the rest of the world can see it? Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but saying something like that when you're representing a major company would make all parties look bad. He also picked a bad time to make this announcement because there are many pro-gay movements and laws coming about, especially legalizing gay marriage. Also being in the spotlight can make you highly susceptible to any form of attention.

Is it totally unfair that he got suspended? Of course it is. He unfortunately wasn't aware of the repercussions of his actions. Because he is on a TV channel, he is representing them. His actions were a poor representation of A&E and any company wants to look out for themselves without getting a bad business rep. I'm sure because of how popular he is and with strong viewer protest, he will be brought back in the somewhat near future. For now, I think he needs to learn his lesson about not putting others down for the entire world to see and keep his negative opinions to himself!

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