Friday, July 3, 2015

Pride is Precious (Revised)

This poem was revised from an older poem I had and performed it the same day non-traditional couple weddings were legalized (aka Gay Marriage), on 6-26-15! This loveliness is in its honor! Enjoy!


Equality is not a privilege,
But an inalienable right,
Granted to you on your first breath,
Never to be taken away by governing bodies.

Love is the most necessary state of being,
And the token to full life stability.
If that’s the case, why can't two people of any race, gender, creed, whatever, just live happily ever after, while of course being harmless?
Why must society scrutinize something outside the line's limits?

We enjoy placing labels upon our people.
These defining symbols are an insult towards individualism attached to us at the hip,
Such as “gay”, “lesbian”, “bisexual”, where “straightness”, which is the norm, doesn’t have a negative connotation.
Why not x out all these labels and just call us one thing: People

Everyone dreams of their perfect star in the sky.
Love isn't something we should have to plea and pry and protest for…
It's a basic entity that's a life requirement to thrive in this shallow world.

Life shouldn't be more complicated than politics…
As the meaning of love is a union between two people swallowed up in eternal cuteness and rainbows.

The cowards and bigots need to stop and think:
Would two people of the same gender who unconditionally love each other BOTHER YOU for anything other than religious reasons?
When two people are minding they own business living their lives just being HAPPY,
Why is that such a PROBLEM for you?
WHY do you CARE and physically TRY to stop happiness that's outside the norm?
Because we are all human, and need love!

Just let people live,
And let people love
Because love is love and will always be love
No one should be deprived of the rights from life’s most sacred entity…

If there is one message to scrape from under the sand
It’s that love is love,
People are people,
And pride is precious
Embrace and support it,
Because now, thanks to the court case of Obergefell vs. Hodges,
We can finally and legally wave our rainbow and equal sign flags high!

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