Friday, July 3, 2015

Be Grateful


Plenty of people may have lots to complain about... whether it's hating your job, bad relationships, getting a speeding ticket, tripping over yourself clumsily, missing the train, those are first world problems. Imagine if you didn't have a job, had no money or fallback, no room for life progression or advancement, didn't have loved ones, access to medical care, food, clean water, shelter, or were so ill you couldn't even get up to walk to the bathroom to pee. Imagine if you had nothing and were stuck on the streets. I am surely guilty of complaining about first world problems, but I wish we could all take a moment and be thankful for everything we have... every opportunity, all of the education we've received from intelligent teachers and professors, having loved ones who have helped you to rise from the holes dug down to China. Just take a moment and be thankful that you can walk and are healthy enough to pursue your daily life activities, regardless of being in a mundane 9-5 grind. Be thankful to have the means to survive and thrive. Take a moment, appreciate being alive, and be thankful for every breath you're able to take above ground! I'm always down for volunteering and giving back and if anyone wants to join in on some fun, hit me up. We're all in this world to make a difference, so let's make every day you get out of bed count! It’s time to rise and shine!


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