Monday, July 30, 2012

Ghostly Business

You have a ghost in your closet, what do you do?

Do you exterminate it or let it be? It’s up to you…

You decide to call the exterminator but they think that you’re absolutely insane and hang up the phone…

You open the closet and you remember you were hiding your past from your parents in a white blanket, but what was that noise?

It was your heart crying… Unknown to your knowledge, the strange, eerie sound is audible

You are grief-stricken by your own tears of sorrow because you have never seen anything like this, yet you are shocked to confront your past…

You see a vision of your saint of a boyfriend and explain to him that you, this super strong woman, feel torn and like an unwanted toy who was just thrown away

You have been abused on a constant basis and are lost for words, but still remain whole

You are all alone and the doorbell rings

You sprint down the stairs and feel like your face smacked into the ground like a piano being dropped from a 100-story building, but somehow managed to not clumsily fall

“Who’s at the door?” She said with a frightened look on her face

It was just your best friend banging on your door, yelping for help. He needs you. He yearns for you. He…

He had never been so depressed in his life. Ever since his dad was in the hospital with cancer, he began feeling quite unusual; his self-esteem fled out the door, he consistently brought unnecessary anger upon himself, and he almost came face to face with Death…

You slowly answer the door and wonder who or what you’re going to see

He looked like he had cried for ages on his bed and wanted to give his best friend a strangling hug

It’s the same man you saw in your vision, but you wonder why it isn’t the ghost knocking…

Did you anihhilate the ghost already?

He sounds like he’s screaming at the top of his lungs like he’s going to die. He grabs you with the brute strength of his 5 foot 11 football player, muscular body and pulls you close to his heart for safety

He ran into the closet in your room, grabbed his notebook, flashlight, and lucky pencil he received for winning a football game in order for his team to go to state. He turned off all the lights, locked the door in your room, went into the closet, and began writing a poem that goes something like this:

“What could have caused this traumatizing moment? As my reflections project into images of reality inside my head, they cause fear, insecurity, and excruciating, internal pain. I count down the days until I can return to my happy place, when my head is empty and my heart is satisfied…”

He hears a knock on the door and assumes it’s the ghost and begins to scream again

You sweetly answer to him to his reassurance and he opens the door, lets you in, and locks it again

You close the door, talk for hours, confront your worst nightmares, and fall asleep next to each other, with him holding you close to his heart

The next day, everything returns to normal, and the ghost had left the premesis. You both have no idea what happened and only realized you were asleep next to each other. You both realize that it was only ghostly business, and reality returned to normal…

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