Monday, July 2, 2012

The Power of a Sister

The philosophies of what it means to be a sister to someone. This poem was last updated on 1-10-15!


What does it mean to be a sister? Does it mean to be be faithful unto death? Will they be there for your 3am crying call? What they catch you when you fall? Will they even go with you to the mall?

A sister is family... as powerful as the heavens. They love and never judge.

A sister is always there for you, unconditionally to serve as your guiding star...

A sister is your lifelong companion possessing significant meaning. What would you do without them, especially if you were born with them?

A sister is the one to share your darkest secrets with, cherish their presence, experience life with... even stand next to in your wedding! They shall stand by your side at all times

The power of a sister is so genuine... so real... should never be utilized for pain...

What would YOU do without it? 

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