Friday, November 8, 2013

Pride is Precious: Poem on Legalizing Gay Marriage

My message for it  I recently took a class on gender and the humanities in terms of how society views LGBTQ people in different periods of time and different areas throughout the world. I have seen the media address stories on the negative side ranging from people being homophobic in general, killing themselves for not receiving support, and being outraged for people showing support in ways such as painting rainbow nails in Russia (where non-heterosexuality is highly frowned upon and illegal). On the positive side, I have seen stories on successful pride parades, how people came out of the closet and received positive feedback from family and friends, and most recently, the legalization of gay marriage in the 15th state, Illinois. I have always been very accepting of diversity and believe that people should be allowed to love whoever they want. If loving someone of the same gender makes them happy, then they should be allowed to do so without anyone giving them a hard time. They should especially receive full support from family and friends. Since I am 100% for the passing of this law, I happily wrote this poem in response to people in my home state being able to marry whoever they want an for being a proud supporter of gay marriage as well. So thank you Illinois being a true supporter of love and being at least a little bit more accepting towards diversity! This is also another spoken word poem. Enjoy!

Since this is a very important topic, I posted it on buzzfeed for you all to share it with the world:

Not a privilege
But a right taken with you from the womb
Granted to you on your first breath…

The ultimate state of being
Which is a true necessity to all
And the token to full life stability

An insult towards individualism attached to us at the hip
Which is what we use to define human nature and society's shape

But why must society scrutinize something outside the line's limits
Why can't two people of any race, gender, creed, whatever, just live happily ever after?

Everyone dreams of their perfect star in the sky…
Love isn't something we should have to plea and pry and protest for…
It's a basic entity that's a life requirement to thrive in this shallow world

Life shouldn't be more complicated than politics…
We’re all thirsty for happiness and need to acknowledge this true statement:

Love is love
People are people
Pride is precious
Embrace it…

The unnecessary cowards need to stop and think
Would two people of the same gender who unconditionally love each other BOTHER YOU?
How does that even AFFECT YOU?
When two people are minding they own business living their lives just being HAPPY
Why is that such a PROBLEM for you?
It's THEIR choice who to love and it's THEIR choice who to live and it's THEIR life
WHY do you CARE and physically TRY to stop happiness that's not within the norm?

Just let people live
And let people love
Because love is love and will always be love
No one should be deprived of the rights from life’s most sacred entity…

These are just labels that are false representations of human nature…
Our only label is human
But everything else is subject to being tainted through bias…

We are not packages with labels
We are human
We are not monsters for loving who we choose to love
We are human
We are not devil worshippers for defining our sexual orientation outside the norm
We are human

If there is one message to scrape from under the sand
It’s that love is love
People are people
Pride is precious
Support it…

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