Thursday, April 3, 2014


Growing up is never easy, but requires you to put your all into life in order to ensure your success. This is how I feel (in spoken word poetic form) about what growing up really is and what it really means, especially because I am going through it right now. It's all about the coming of age. Enjoy!

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Get your ass up!
Snap to reality!
What were you thinking
Just going out there exploring aimlessly without an end goal in mind...
You could get into some serious trouble
Unless you know how to handle yourself...

So how did you end up there in the first place..?

The scatterbrained fiend
Started climbing up the ladder
With no idea what they were doing at all...
They were just impulsively making decisions without stopping to take a second and think...
You need a moment to think about what the decision really means
And what it really does,
Along with the impact it is going to make on yourself and others...
Don't you want to take a risk?
You can't if you say no all the time,
But if you say yes to everything like the man in the movie,
You'll end up feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders while frozen in a state of being overwhelmed...
You definitely don't want to hit that point that's for darn sure...

There's sometimes a point where you can't help it and everything comes at you all at once like the strong winds that cause turbulence on a plane...
These gusts of wind feel so strong... almost too strong to bear... I can't do it... I cant do it... I can't do this anymore this is too strong to withstand I just wanna give up... Please God help me I'm going to have a breakdown please help... Please help!

Wait a minute...

Giving up, eh?
You're better than that!
Because quitting will either put you in a loop, put you in a hole, or put you in a grave...
Because it's all about the coming of age!
So what you screw up,
Make a foolish decision... or twelve,
Or lose a bunch of your friends while consistently meeting the wrong people even more...
Until of course you wake up and realize what the heck you're doing,
Snap out of the craze,
And decide to move forward...

Progression is a decision, not a court-ordered mandate...
If you want to change the world you have to be starving for growth and for consuming the stars...
You have to crave it like how Freddie Mercury drinks the spotlight when he performs...
And of course you have to embrace it!

You can't deny, erase, or reject the coming of age...
It's like turbulence
It may be extremely shaky, unsteady, and quite unruly,
But you won't die and head towards your pending doom...
Just step outside of the little box referred to as your own little hidden world!
It's the only way to be able to own the stars
And emerge with gold encasing your world!

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