Monday, June 16, 2014

Delete These Pesky Clowns

This is how it feels to finally purge the toxic people in my life... in spoken word form. Enjoy!

Douse the despair
And don't venture unprepared
Into the jungle of a universe where life resides in its own deep, dark ridges and humans control the planet...
With the exception of the soul supreme being that we embody as our own massive spiritual entity...

We struggle and we try,
And we laugh and we cry,
As we run awry and try not to die in this society known as madness...
While we deliberately avoid the binding tides of "the loop"
Where the inability to proceed is developed... literally to a point where you're completely stuck...
Yet you've been hanging with these clowns for far too long now...

When all we want to do is to thrive in all smiles, we sometimes get put to the test...
No, not some lame written exam you take in school, but these tests provide plenty of life challenges and even more obstacles...
These are the obstacles that clearly define who is real and who provides poison...

We try to escape from our troubles by placing a shade over our already-made facade while we test the game of life...
At times we seek assistance from what society tells us to avoid in order to be able to put a cloak over the negativity in the air...
Don't indulge in its nasty aftertaste though...

But immersing in the wrong circle of friends can result in your gold changing into coal as your exuberant mental state fades away...
This painful reality can also come to fruition when an overall poor investment is made with the wrong people.

When we surround ourselves with toxicity, the pathogens that we "think" are our friends are actually the ones responsible for draining us like a sponge and effortlessly tossing us in the trash...
If that's the case, then why the hell do we keep going back?
It's because we try again and again and again oh so relentlessly to find the good in the situation and we end up making our reluctant returns even more and more to see these people...
When all that's going to happen is that you're going to turn into a clown with them... and victory will definitely NOT be yours...

All of a sudden, plenty of troublesome situations later, an alarm with blaring lights finally decides to trigger before you want to explode from how badly you refuse to fall down with them...
The overpowering urge to vanish from the poisonous relationships takes shape while the motion to move forward from your heart succeeds! 
It may be one of the most difficult decisions that a young one can make, but the benefits far outweigh the costs... and then some!

This pivotal epiphany eventually sinks in after you've become so sick of these people that after a certain amount of time when you finally realize how done you are, you take a huge sip of the nice pot of "let's delete these pesky clowns" that you've been brewing over the past few months...
And boy, does it feel nice!

Once the evil is in your rear view mirror, don't EVER go back... or even look back! NEVER EVER EVER! 
Take a vow to avoid heading towards that dungeon of hell for as long as time exists and think of how badly you never want to be in that place ever again...
Erase those lines on the map and go pencil in some new ones. 
Realize how we need to seek out treasure and not trolls... 
That way, you will come out with a triumphant smile that exclaims, "lesson learned! I'm FREE!"
And this mistake will never, ever happen again!

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