Thursday, May 14, 2015

Dreams are for Humans not Horses

Walking down the illuminated city streets
With a tasty teriyaki beef stick in one hand and phone in the other,
A lovely lady in a bubble shield shall blockade the grind’s tirade…
Work hard, play harder, knock ‘em dead, survive to thrive…

The following words are ones to live by in order to pry the barrier between being a somebody vs being an everybody in the crowded farm…

Do you want to rise to the top?
Do you want to know what it’s like to be the one sitting on the throne shared with Donald Trump, or Marissa Mayer, or anyone who’s plowed and teethed their way through every battle to be able to wear the crown?

Success isn’t for everyone… it’s for those with the desire to aim beyond the stars,
The drive to rocket to the moon and back with the willingness to fall in the mud,
And even soar past Pluto,
While saying hi to the Disney Dog as he rubs his comedic attitude onto you…
Work ethic means to mold to being a human, resilience and reason,
Not being a work horse on autopilot…

We all possess the desires to live the story book life,
But if you want your story to be more than a fantasy,
You have to eat, drink, breathe, sleep, live for the dreams
In order for them to come alive!

It’s one thing to “say” you want it
It’s another to “act” upon your goals
If you dream it, do it!
That’s all there is to it!

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