Sunday, November 3, 2019

Why Me?

Sometimes I wonder “why me”?

My friends often tell me “I’m always going through something”,
Especially compared to their other friends…
This is sadly true.
My life is very eventful.

I feel like life is like a game of Pokemon.
You battle the first boss, you think you beat the game, and bam, another boss level appears.
But before you even get to the boss level, there’s monsters all around you needing to be defeated.

When you finally get to the boss level, you need to unleash all your power.
If your arsenal fails, you can keep powering up until you’re strong enough to complete the final mission.

In many video games, you can select easy, medium, or hard mode.

On social media, I see everyone’s picture perfect life and at their best selves only;
Their life is on easy mode.

For my adventures, I feel like trying to accomplish your dreams is like being in the boss level where the enemy grows rapidly after each attack and it feels like there’s no hope; My life feels like the hard mode button is stuck and won’t turn off…

I wish for my life to be easier, but maybe there’s an underlying reason why everything feels turbulent all the time.
But beating a boss level usually results in a major reward at the end.

Boss levels are difficult, but not impossible.

Once you finally beat the game on hard mode, after lots of perseverance and sometimes a zillion tries, instead of wondering “why me?”, I shift my perspective to “why not me?”

So why not me?

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