Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Writing a Tanka

Me and my experimentation of poetry decided to perform a Google search on "how to write award winning poems" because I was just curious and the entrepreneur in me is looking for some other ways to make some extra money. I stumbled upon a wiki how page displaying other literary poetry styles. Since I never abide by any styles and just go freestyle, I decided to attempt to write my version of a TANKA poem at about 4:30am and I did this in less than 5 minutes. Writing somehow comes natural and flows from my brain onto my computer screen... I wish programming came that easy to me!

If you have no idea what a Tanka is:

There are 5 lines that don't "usually" rhyme. Since poetry is an art, you can do it a little bit anyways!

The first and third lines have 5 syllables (which you "have" to abide by)

The second, fourth, and fifth lines have 7 syllables (which you also "have" to abide by in order to utilize this style)

The third line "should" be a turning point

The first three lines give one image and the last three give another image (yes, there is overlap)

Welp, here is my attempt at using an actual literary style. I wrote about not generally using other literary styles, but being open to trying it anyways:

Writing a Tanka
Not a fan of other styles
I write my own way
Always doing what I want
Might as well give this a shot!

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