Friday, September 21, 2018

Go the Fuck to Sleep

Go the fuck to sleep, Rebs!
It's 6am.
Why are you still awake?

"I can't sleep", says the mechanism in my brain churning constant creative thoughts...

Aimlessly scrolling through Facebook, I stumble upon the "Rezz" fan page.
I look through her page and find a motivational post about channeling positive energy into creating and envisioning success.

"What do I want to do with my life?" Says the mechanism in my brain wondering why I am where I am, being a waitress and an Uber driver, soul searching for my artistic dreams to come true...

I plowed through a newly downloaded music making program on my phone to figure out what kind of sound I want to project onto the universe.

In a world where people have to hide their true selves in order to fit in, those who wish to defy the unwritten laws of society end up ostracized like aliens from planet whoknowswhere;
They are left behind to flounder around until luck, opportunity, and dedication meet on the same street corner.

In my family, I was taught you were supposed to go to college, get a degree, work a mundane 9-5 job, go home, watch TV, go to bed, repeat.
I gave that life a shot with many embellishments attached and the only places it got me were fired or almost fired...
The only thing I have to show for college at this point is a certificate with my name on it and insurmountable debt.

Every time I try to give my soul to the man, a voice inside my head tells me, "no no no, what the the hell are you doing?"
Rezz indicated she's always been herself in order to climb to the top.

If the point of life is to be happy, why do so many people want to conform just to get by and feel miserable after?
Every time I am myself, I am satisfied and at my best.

I may need to take the unconventional route to success, but will still find it with many positive self affirmations and support from my friends!
Success doesn't have a time limit or a maximum age.

When I see people younger than me realizing their dreams, I have to keep telling myself everyone's path is different and each step forward is a baby step.

The path of the creator isn't for everyone, but if you want it, go for it! The choice is yours!

Go the fuck to sleep, Rebs!
It's 7am.
Why are you still awake?
I chose to follow the yellow brick road!
With time and patience, you may be pleasantly surprised where you end up!

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