Sunday, January 5, 2020

Healing Sun

What can make the sun come out today?
Is it up to God?
Is it up to me?
Is it up to some undefined higher power known as the weather, which may or may not be controlled by something up there?

It is raining in my eyes right now.
I see Niagara Falls from a mile away, but have never been.
Going to a new destination would fill me, but I cry so much and my bucket is still empty…

Is there a place where the sun is always out?
Is there a place where a special healing plant is always in season?
Do I have to find the sun or make something happen on my own or can lady fate help me?
Someone please embrace me!

Maybe I have to plant the seeds to make the magic plant appear to help the sun come out and make it warm again?
I’ll figure it out and make my own goddamn sun!

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