Sunday, December 28, 2014

Thoughts on a Train Ride

Just another spoken word poem on the thoughts that run through my head when I'm on the L in Chicago commuting everywhere or to/from work. Enjoy! Last updated 9-5-15!

Sigh, another day in the office has come and gone to have done practically nothing yet again.
The taste of dull grey dampens the dopamine sensors usually circulating through my veins to spread love and joy,
And I could sure use a sight of smiles right now…

I walk outside through the revolving doors, exclaiming, “I’m free at last, victory is mine”!
Why hello there commute land, it is nice to see you again…

It’s again that time to board the stuffed Chicago Red Line Transit Train at rush hour o’clock pm.
At least I don't have to stand today.
Meanwhile, my mind feels like a messy apartment being struck by a tornado…

Sigh, I wish I could consistently use my time to its fullest potential,
No matter where I am,
But I am suffering from fried brain and am too toasted to be productive or read right now…
I guess I’ll go to distracted land…

Crap, now I’m starting to fall asleep… and I’m still 10 stops away… I can do this, I can really do this!

Oh look, my favorite, the loud chitter chatter about people’s days, work complaints, or other high level train talk…

What else do I see or hear besides people yapping away…
A business man in a suit reading the New York Times, some older lady reading 50 Shades of Grey, a different man sleeping across 4 seats who’s covered in blankets, snoring quite loudly, as well as some college students playing Sudoku and doing their homework at the last minute...
And of course... the leg spreaders, obnoxious gum chewers, loud phone talkers, people coughing and spreading germs, and the inconsiderate lameos who take up 2 seats with themselves and their crap.

I’ll just keep finding something to pass the time... tickity... tockity... tickity… tockity…
I must focus! Must…pull out phone… and write something… I feel like I’m wasting time… nooooo!!!

Three stops later… “Attention passengers, we are standing momentarily waiting for signal clearance, we expect to be moving shortly”, which pisses people off.
Where’s the positivity that needs to shine through the mundane?
Why do people feel rushed and caught up all the time?
I wish I could be glowing and holding a golden lit-up orb to project some light in here…
In the meantime, I’ll put up my “despair-be-gone” shield to block the negativity and think about how my dear friend from the sky energizes me with the power of contagious smiles…

Yay the train’s moving again!

Unfortunately, there are still 7 stops to go…

Shortly after this delay, a father and his super adorable son who looks to be no more than 5 walk onto the train…

This little boy is bouncing off walls and looks like he drank a glass of magic happy hyper sugar juice prior to his journey.
He seems to be the only one who can find fun in this joint... without a care in the world...
Those surrounding the little boy see him as irritating due to his hyperness, but I see him as the spark of joy we need in our lives, just like smiles!

The father and his son leave 3 stops later and the atmosphere is uplifted!
If only the rest of this train could have a glass of magic happy hyper sugar juice!

I’m continuing to stare blankly on this moving train... and trying not to fall asleep... or drop my phone...
Falling asleep… must… be… productive… must stay awake… must… zzzzzz…

*ding dong… doors closing…* Wilson is next…
NOOOOOOOO how did I miss my stop?
Guess I should actually get some sleep if I’m falling asleep in public again and actually want to be productive…

But regardless of silly setbacks and downer people, it’s just a train ride!
Just be sure to know that trains always move forward,
Productivity will find you,
And the light is strong enough to shine through the windows!

Dissipate the Darkness

My spoken word poem on deleting injustices, mainly prompted by racism/segregation, The Michael Brown case, police brutality, etc. It would be pretty cool to find a way to get rid of all this crap, while wishing we were in a utopia… Enjoy! Last modified 2-6-15!

Oh injustice…
Do you remember the days standing in your grade school classroom… facing the flag… right hand over your heart… the room filled with silence and respect… while converting itself to one voice… “I pledge allegiance… to the flag”
A promise needing to be embraced and withheld forever…

Martin Luther King once said “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere”

Dearest injustice…
Why must you cause aggression to our own species?
And treat people like slavery still exists…
Eviscerating humanity with dehumanization and slander… just for possessing views detached from the norm and wearing a color other than white on our back every day…

We fight civil wars against ourselves…
The same team… divided in half… being torn apart by our default qualities… only to end the argument with violence, destruction, and brutality
But that’s not a good enough reason to upset a population…
What ever happened to uniting us like a rainbow?

Covered in a hidden blanket of segregation, humanity is regressing through the evils of racism and "different” people being an illness to society…
And as much as we want to see life as a positive space flowing radiantly with energy all the time, take a moment and look through the lens of truth…
No matter how cloudy and dark, there will always be a glimmer of light…

We as a race split like the changing of seasons… white vs black… Jewish vs Christians, male vs female… yet we are human… a group of mammals with feelings,
And I wish that wasn’t so fucking hard for us to realize…

Statistics say how women and minorities are viewed as less than “the standard man” in society’s initiations and documents…
Did you know women weren’t allowed to vote in the US until 1920? On top of that, they still have to cover parts of their body (and in some countries their entire body), make at least 20% less than men for the same job, and are even subject to sexual exploitation in some countries…
If your skin looked of dark chocolate, 100% of you couldn’t even vote until 1965… even worse, you had to sit in the back of the bus, receive less quality services and amenities, and were treated as a second class citizen in the same country…
They and other minorities are forced to begin the race from behind because of how they were born…

The prayer continues… “And to the republic… for which it stands… one nation… under God… indivisible”… INDIVISIBLE
We are HUMAN goddamnit!

Why can’t we just work together instead of hiding in a vile of selfishness, which is used to poison our precious people and flaw our decision-making?

Can we PLEASE start a movement where people extend a hand to help one another and do it without hesitation?
Really, let’s do it!
If you want to make the world a better place, jump on the bandwagon and let’s do it!

Oh injustice…
Let’s dissipate the darkness, shine the light towards the existing beauty, and unite to play same team!
You shall be vanquished like Mario defeating Bowser for the very last time in world 8…

The prayer concludes in recitation behind several voices… “with liberty and justice for all…”

Friday, November 28, 2014

Black Bean and Pepper Salsa


3 Roma Tomatoes
1 tbsp Minced Garlic
½ cup Black Beans
1 tbsp Green Chilis
1 Medium-Sized JalapeƱo
1 Medium-Sized Serrano Pepper
½ cup Chopped Mixed Red/Orange/Yellow/Green Peppers (all combined)
½ Chopped Mixed Red/White Onion (all combined)
½ of a Fresh Squeezed Lime
¼ of a Fresh Squeezed Lemon
1 tsp Fresh Cilantro
1 tsp Parsley
¼ tsp Taco Seasoning
Salt/Pepper to Taste

Place into the blender and push “puree” for about 5 seconds or until there aren’t any clumps and enjoy!

Open Mic Nite Performance of "What are Words"

This is my poetic explanation of what words are, performed at the Elevator Sessions open mic at the Justin Pauly Art Studio in River North, Chicago. I recorded this on October 24, 2014 and the link is: -- Enjoy!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Freedom from Strings

I feel a scream coming on...
The entirety of my being publicly sits in solitude in desk land... impatiently waiting for a green light...
Is there a "spend all day talking to your boyfriend" card I could pull just for one day as we act as slaves to The Man...

Can't it be assumed I can exercise my altruism and passions for making a difference?
But virtually my entire day is locked away not feeling at bay as the grey never goes away,
And my heart stands confined in its shiny gold box glowing and begging to be utilized...

I'm ready to explode already...
Struggling to maintain full consciousness and a professional demeanor as my mind wanders elsewhere due to the engagement switch shutting itself off... My poor heart remains confined...
I feel like a pink light in a grey world waiting to be noticed and be granted a release from the ball and chain...

My emotions are tempted to attack themselves because they're unable to protrude through the cloudy grey skies...
Goddamnit, why does society expect us to wear fake smiles all the time? We're people... and emotions are part of people... in ANY setting...

You know, humans lacking emotions are robots... right?
I've been ready to exercise my strength for awhile now...
I don't want my self-doubt running about...

As I keep waiting indefinitely for my future to unfold... wait a minute.... why am I waiting? I could go find opportunities right now!
Why am I waiting? Because I'm too scared to want to make a move?
Why the fuck am I waiting? Because life, it's time to take a stand...

I'm ready to take on the world now...
When my bravery needs to boast itself, my heart engages...
Because time is ticking away and I'm sick and tired of fucking wasting it away bullshitting myself all the time...

The plan of attack has been in motion for so long but when will you know that something will happen?
I want it now! Like Violet the selfishly impatient child...

But fortunately, there's always a way if your heart posses the right drivers to push yourself into success land...
Just do it!
Why wait?
Go free yourself from your strings!

Evolution from Sick and Twisted

Long story short, people need to stop seeing the world as something painful and start seeing it as something beautiful. Enjoy!

Sick and twisted life
Gives us pain like it's the bane of our existence
As we feign our identities to conform to society and get by...
But what if your heart beat is one in a million?

Not only are we thrown tragedy, but we're thrown pain... lots and lots of fiery pain... pain that's enough to cause depression... and depression that represents a succession of sadness that leads to a progression of prowls down the streets that propel you to the path of difference as you repel the evil and start your sessions of success!

Sick and twisted life can morph into a healthy and colorful beauty as depicted through the eyes of an artist...
An artist who's a positivity advocate, Working to place the rainbows into fruition
As we're warriors in this faction,
Fighting fractions
Only to be the main attraction...
Of people's eyesight and brain space...

It seems how people are oh so consumed in their overzealous ways...
Disregarding the feelings of others...
Picking on them,
Battering them into the ground,
Preying upon their beings,
Only to selfishly cause destruction...ruin...and instill unnecessary fear...


Hello darling sick and twisted life...
Why can't we place a smile upon your childish glow, even though the world isn't entirely comprised of unicorns and smiley faces...
Some depict this as a beautiful storm...others call it a story... while some call it a morbid wasteland...
But in reality, we are all in the same place and living a different story...

Do you want to paint the world with your color palette or do you want to paint it with blood?
Do you want to start a fire to warm a town and get everyone to sing kumbaya, or are you going to be foolish enough to use your being as a detriment?
The elements are ours to manipulate in this sick and twisted land... but why not use them as a superpower?

This vast universe is a blank storybook canvas painted with words and images.
Negativity is as solid as a volcanic rock that can be crushed in the palm of a strong woman's hand...
Let's all turn this sick and twisted into big, brave, and bold... 

Evolve it into a beautiful universe...
Morph it into how we shall perceive the world today...
Which is a beautiful place splattered with color that we should view from a child's eyes... untainted and unharmed!
Now it's your turn to paint your story with some color and beauty to share!
And take action to destroy this sick and twisted view for once and for all!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Stars Have Aligned

I wrote this lovely spoken word poem in dedication to my boyfriend who has been oh so wonderful to me since we've been together and I finally got in the mood to write a love poem... now that I actually know how it feels. Enjoy!

Dearest Max a Million,
Let me begin again to tell you how the stars have aligned…
When the pink-sunsetted skies and spiritual guides casted a powerful glow to continue the flow,
A case of the feels flew down my spine as my heart notified me today was going to be something special…
As I saw a shooting star whiz past the emptiness I once held in my glass, I was blessed with fairy dust being sprinkled upon me to convert my glass from empty to overflowing!

A few hours later, in a suburban apartment containing computer nerds, you blissfully graced my presence…
I felt your soul radiating throughout the main room as my senses were drawn to your essence in the same way a cat smells food and runs to go get it!
Your energy levels synced with mine behind your hazel eyes,
Enabling me to feel your gleaming aura
And tell me the stars have aligned…

Immediately, we form a team of protagonists and touch our superhero rings together like dorky cartoon characters to combine our powers, uniting as one being, while we combat the forces of evil and injustice!
Your significance to me is infinite because of how we both empower each other to exude our greatest strengths and turn each other’s weaknesses into superpowers!
Every time I feel the warmth melt from your hands I feel your entirety ejected into my veins through your gently beautiful soul.
When you were halfway around the world in India, I was still able to sense your presence thanks to the art of communication.

Before we met, I was consumed by a past flooded with pain and plentiful amounts of sorrows… until you mended me with your healing love and full-blown passions.
Listening to your heart beat enables me to notice how our different drums roar in unison as you inspire me to play more confidently, more boisterously, and to the best of my ability.
You embrace how different I am and see it as something beautiful in a way no one else can even fathom.
The more time we spend together, I crave to delve deeper into your core to know why and how you are who you really are,
But no matter what, I know the stars have aligned and you are all mine!

Throughout our adventures and struggles together, you're always there to hold my hand,
To catch me when I feel my world is going to crumble,
To hold me when I'm an erupting volcano in a fetal position by your side,
To instantly forgive me for my wrongdoings,
To kick turbulence to the curb and eliminate the toxic waste in my life
To share the same visions of success,
To accept me for how redonculously nerdy I am,
To be the person I can share my silly self with more than 100% with,
To be the special someone I can engage deep conversations about the meaning of everything
To be my go to person for book recommendations,
To be the taste tester I can share my food experiments and homemade soupie a la Rebs when you’re sick,
To let the tides pass during a trivial argument and allow me to communicate,
To inspire me to conquer each day and stand up for justice
And to engage in our glory walk, envisioning our forever’s together,
With me knowing how wonderful it is to be able to write a laundry list of reasons of how wonderful you are to me and still be able to continue writing indefinitely!

You are my rock, my set of ears that listens to me and appreciates me…
You are the missing piece of my puzzle I've been looking for my entire life!
Your unwavering support and being there for me means everything to me…

And just so you know, my darling:
I choose you isn't enough to express how much you mean to me and tell you how much I miss you when you’re gone… even if it’s for a day!
I love you isn't enough to show the depth of my feelings towards you, especially when you financially save me!
Thank you isn't enough to display my gratitude for all you've done for me!
You’re amazing isn’t even meaningful enough to tell you how incredibly beautiful and noble of a person you are and how much I love feeling your being even when I’m asleep…

I can't wait to continue unfolding our lives together down as our love at first sight was meant to be!
Time is a meaningless explanation of how love works, especially with you because you’re sweeter than my favorite blue pixie stick!
Your love helped a new version of me emerge from the previous darkness which is now healed by the ultimate medicine from your heart, which I love sharing with you too!
You are so sacred to me to where I can add you as a character in my book of wonder!
I want to embrace our lives as one as we continue trekking down the yellow brick road together skipping through the flowers and holding hands!
Your endless amazingness and gleaming glow behind your hazel eyes and your powerful presence is exactly how and why I know the stars have aligned,
And I'm more than lucky and thankful to be a superhero with you!
Because I confidently know that my heart is yours, and your heart is mine!

Love Rebs!

Moving is Time Consuming

Howdy All!

I have still been writing a ton, but now that I am just about done taking care all of that, some of the awesomeness I have been trying to do now that I can setup shop is what I am about to show you with my "home decorating art projects" -- They are quite inexpensive to do and not too difficult to do. I bought a TV stand from Goodwill for 7 dollars and used acrylic paint. The lampshade I just used zebra duck tape and pink duck tape for the stripe on the bottom. My massive TV (50 inches of pure awesomeness) was finally broken in with a nice game of Super Smash Brothers Brawl. My posting spree shall now resume as well!

PS I have moved back to the city. Goodbye suburbs and living at home!

Open Mic Nite Performance Of "The Stars Have Aligned"

This lovely poem was performed on 11-3-14 at the Weeds bar (and Weeds Open Mic Nite) in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Here, you can see me performing what I wrote for my boyfriend who's been nothing but a darling to me (first love poem yay!) Enjoy!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Healthy French Onion Noodle Soup Recipe

1/3 box angel hair pasta
2 tsp Better then Bullion beef flavor
16oz water (I just filled a 2 cup measuring cup all the way to make sure it's not too salty)
5 tbsp minced onions
1/4 cup chopped red onions
1 tsp chopped fresh jalapeƱo
1 clove chopped garlic (I picked a clove that was a bit bigger because I like garlic a lot)
1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup kale
1/4 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp chives
1 tsp parsley
2 tbsp hot sauce (Tabasco or Frank's red hot sauce floats my boat)
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/4 tsp fish sauce (optional)
Cook noodles separately until al dente. Combine all other ingredients into a large pot and cook until liquid starts to boil. Serves about 4. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Conquer the Crossroads

A "lyrical poem" (aka song lyrics) about being at a junction in your life, figuring out which way to go, and of course powering through it. Enjoy! Last Modified 1-31-15

She took a walk one day
Under the beautifully dark midnight bay
In order to say “how meaningful is today?”
While waking up each day to take a chance at life!

With the street on her feet
And the world in broad vision
She’s taking a chance in the windy city,
Where goals and wishes and dreams can come alive
It’s time to move forward right now…

Growing up is an endless battle
Living life through challenge’s lenses
With exploring the skies as a massive place
It’s time to brightly shine right now…

She said that anyone can do anything you immerse your full self into…
Even if some steps are missed you can still make forward progress
But once those crossroads are met in full force
Between a dream and toxic wasteland it’s better to stay on course
Just find out where to drive
And make sure quitting never ever happens (happens, happens)

Conquer the crossroads, conquer the crossroads...

How do you walk along and win the game?
When your current path feels all fogged up
And you try to clean it up and pray that it will shine
Don’t let yourself get eaten by fear
Don’t let yourself get swallowed by haters
Don’t tell yourself you’re less than what you really are
Just continue on forward and conquer those crossroads all day! (all day, all day)

Continuing down the strip of pride
While she’s trying to glide with lots of stride
It’s time to strut your stuff right now!
(down the rainbow road)

You can only succeed by being bold and brave
As she holds her humble heart upon her sleeve
It’s steadily transforming at life’s junction signs
Becoming the beautiful lion she strives to be
Prancing through the master stage
It’s time to level up right now!

But at those junction signs
*screams* What to do? What to do?
What the fuck do I do?*
Just keep moving forward
It’s time to be decisive
And not get trapped in life’s loops
It’s time to start living right now!

Conquer the crossroads (x 4)

And then she asks,

How do you walk along and win the game?
When your current path feels all fogged up
And you try to clean it up and pray that it will shine
Don’t let yourself get eaten by fear
Don’t let yourself get swallowed by haters
Don’t tell yourself you’re less than what you really are
Just continue on forward and conquer those crossroads all day! (all day, all day)

Just continue on forward and conquer those crossroads all day! (all day, all day)

Just never give up and keep on going and conquer those crossroads for life!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Miso Soup Recipe

1/3 cup dashi miso paste (I usually go to an Asian food mart to get this)
4 cups water
3 chopped green onions (or ¼ cup chopped red onion if you run out of green onions or don’t like them)
3 large (the “big squares”) nori sheets (or 2 small packages of nori sheets)
1 cup firm tofu, cut into about ¼ inch cubes and patted to dry with a paper towel
1 tsp soy sauce
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp ground ginger
1 cup fresh spinach
Salt/pepper to taste

Add all ingredients into a medium saucepan and simmer for about 10 minutes or until done (right before it starts to boil). Make sure the miso has dissolved and isn’t lumpy. Prep time is about 10 minutes and this soup serves 4-6. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Good Riddance Evil Shadow Monster

That moment when you have the strong desired to love and be loved, but struggle to not be held back by your past... until you get swept away by love itself... in poem form... enjoy!

Walking along the glitters of life,
As you’re searching for your own buried treasures and unfolding mysteries,
The time has come to slam the door behind you from the shadow monster and never turn around…

Until he decides to creep up from behind at his own free will…
In which, you give him the finger and vanish to happy town!

The day of liberation has arrived
And prompted an integral epiphany...
To fly free from your home which is tainted by those who are supposed to be there for you...
Who apparently call themselves your family and only are because you didn't have a choice...
As they only throw your heart and soul into the ground and stomp on it in the same way you kill an ant from under your shoe...

Because a world of hurt has once consumed you as you now trust no one..
You tell yourself it's not your fault when everyone else tells you it is
Where in reality, those who place the blame are bullies only searching for bragging rights to boost their feigning power levels...

As for the others who "claim" to be your allies have transformed into foes only backstab you to their utmost advantage…
Which sucks the vigor from your will and sends you into a shameful spiral like a darkness spell you accidentally cast upon yourself…

If the people in your life are setting forth on their journeys to destroy you, why would you want to come with them?
It's not ok to be treated like that and don't say you're sorry!
Why do you feel desperate enough to follow along their dreadful path just because you don’t want to be alone anymore?
It's not ok to be seen as an animal and don't tell them you feel bad...
The sorrowful feelings of loneliness on a daily basis creep up and down your spine like how a drink rises and falls from your straw…
It's NOT your fault and don't listen to their words which should mean nothing to you...
And when that drink is finished, you’re left with nothing again…
Except for the need to fight fear’s viruses which engulf your heart and soul as the parasites suck your insides dry…
It's YOUR world, and you don't deserve this!

The storms from your eyes are unleashed…
The screams from your heart are cast into the pink starry sky
As an integral epiphany is born…
Such an integral vision comes alive...
That everyone is worthy and deserving of love…
In the same way a grey and white kitten can randomly meander by your side and steal your heart instantaneously,
And the past is the past and only belongs in the backwards path to never ever return...

Stop thinking about it, it's time to move forward!
The shadow monster is gone now leave him be!
He belongs locked up now leave him there
Because he is only a figment of your imagination and will never be real like Boo the Ghost in the Mario games!
And the now is yours!

It is time for you to let go…
It is time for you to let yourself drop into that portal and stop fucking hanging on to that tree branch behind you…
Just let go!
And let the power of love guide you through the rainbow road
As it takes away the pain
And puts your pesky past to shame!

You are now free to let the wings of love carry you into heaven’s arms!
Thank you kitten for restoring the light behind those olive green eyes of mine!
Oh, and fuck you shadow monster!
And now, you shall carry your honorable journeys onward to the fun-filled adventureland of awesomeness!

Friday, September 12, 2014


Remember, remember, this unfortunate day in infamy as I reflect how I think September 11 should be represented and turned my feelings into a short poem. Enjoy!

The once prided towers that stood tall upon us in New York…
The once buzzing state was morphed into a grey, desolate wasteland
As no one forgets where they were that day…

September 11, 2001…
A once normal day morphed infamous and marked dismally by the history books
Recorded how beauty was again struck by terrible tragedies from terror…
With the world being at half-staff like a somber flag
We don’t just remember all the tears that were shed,
Those who have fallen,
And those who made the ultimate sacrifice,
But we thank our beautiful county for everything that we have
While we stand tall in prayer as the grey is continuously repainted!

Just because there are several days in the books where the world sheds a tear,
We need to take a moment and say thank you…
Thank you for making the ultimate sacrifice in order to pave the way for our dreams to be brought to life!

Thank you for volunteering your time to better the quality of life while expecting nothing in return!
And thank you for going out of your way to make freedom ring while it should be seen as a luxury to be more grateful for…
Freedom needs to be appreciated and not be taken for granted
Which is why instead of taking this day to only shed a tear of sadness,
We should cry tears that represent the vigor in our soldiers whose blood was shed to keep us united in light of these terrible tragedies.
Because no matter what,
We will never back down,
We will never stay down,
And we will spend this day celebrating that we’re being repainted and constantly mending our wounds instead of being something that was grey for a brief moment in time…

This day… where evil fiends have unsuccessfully stripped us of our pride
While we continue to stand and unite higher than our fallen towers…

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Super Short Flash Fiction Stories

All in a sentence or so! I will keep adding more as I think of them and I'd later like to put graphics with all of these. For now, here goes!


As the tides turned, the light cracked from the clouds, and thus, she was saved!

Suicide Prevention Day 2014

With being a strong advocate of promoting well being, To Write Love on Her Arms, and suicide prevention, today is the day where we come together and light a candle in the window to spread awareness that love is the greatest medicine and that there are people more than willing to help you... which can even lead to saving lives. Below is a poem I wrote in honor of this day, called "Love is the Ultimate Medicine"!


When our heartbeats become one
And the connections come to fruition,
We stand with a yellow ribbon over our hearts
With a brightly burning candle in the window…

As the flames are lit,
Which extinguish stigma, intolerance, and false judgments,
The world can beautify the light which always shine at the end of the tunnel
As the life-consuming desperate desires for the end melt away…

Prevention is the goal of awareness
And with love being the ultimate medicine,
It is time to share the antidote
And show everyone how yellow is the color of a joyful smiley face!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Liberation from Toxicity

No one wants to be in an environment that is detrimental to their well being... I basically wrote, in super deep spoken word poem form, how I am managing to escape from and get rid of all of the toxic people and places in my life and rise to the top like how people do in their dreams. Enjoy!


It was the day that plenty of us have hungered for…
Miles and miles of hard work was poured towards the ideal future that we've invested years of our lives working towards…
It was the day you walked across that stage to receive the most expensive and invaluable piece of paper that has ever been placed into your hands…
Even if you wanted to be one of those everybodies who coasts their way though the experience while wasting away your existence being a part of the crowding the humid atmosphere…
Following the bandwagon with a cig in one hand and a shot in the other, the typical everybodies celebrate the weekend consists of "living it up" while in retrospect, you're doing absolutely nothing…

The day where glory is received while prancing down the stage of a runway, shaking your professor's hands, is supposed to be a rite of passage into the positive forthcomings of how to make life something fruitful instead of bland…
This day was the day where ambition turned to fruition,
Tuition turned into decisions,
And decisions turn into the crossroads that are encountered as you dance through the pathways of the liberation that your mouth has been watering for…

Unfortunately for some, the aforementioned liberation is from the pool of blood that's been consuming your life causing 23 years of pain…
23 years of feeling ashamed just to be in your own body…
And 23 years of silently crying yourself to sleep at night after being told you're too fat to be a success…

You feel sorry for yourself as your family claims that the rolls on your stomach define who you are as a person,
When in fact, it's not your outer shell that determines whether or not you're a pure of heart, but it's the positive aura within your inner core and the contents in your brain that project a vibe onto the outer world to where people make their judgements towards you…
Several attempts later, you encounter your guru who guides you to your designated formula for weightloss...
The more the forumla is proven to be accurate, the more it seems like that's the only positive thing your family has to say because the rolls have been pushed off the table and they're not looking at what they saw as a giant blob anymore...
They don't see anything more than an outer shell as the perception is lacked to look past the materialistic and narrow-minded views...
The difference still exists...

As painful as being overweight was, with the shame being the claim to negative fame, in the family of flames where the fire is winded towards you, the relentless flames are cast upon the black sheep...

A woman exclaims to her parental units with a mental microphone, "Do you expect me to tell you how much I "love" you when all I can do is perceive you as a manipulative bully who only thinks that your way works and not being open to a new view from someone who's "technically" a part of you?
Yes, you raised me, and thank you for showing me the beginnings to what I need to thrive in life, but you don't have to put yourself on a fucking pedestal just because you're older than me and raised me. You may have more life experience, but experience and age don't define who you are as a person, Because age is only a number and experience is only a collection of life's eventful happenings…

I don't understand why you convince me to be someone who I'm not and refuse to accept me for who I am…
Because if I was really your daughter, you wouldn't flaunt my flaws publicly while you try to mask your own as you claim you know what's best for me…
You would trust that my unorthodox methods of living my life are what is going to make me happy,
And you would feel confident that your offspring would be seen as how high you claim your self-proclaimed "pedestal" to be…
I am who I am, and will change for no one, because I'm just me and that's how I'll always be!

When I am officially ready to commence my forward journey of spreading my wings and flourishing on my own,
I must bid you farewell, as I need some some room to dart outside as fast as I can and gasp for air in relief of your strangling grip…
My optimism will set me free, my heart will carry me far, and if you can't see the drive behind my eyes, then it is on you, because you are the only one failing to see it…

My years of pent up anger will give you a flowery middle finger salute and vanish into the pink moon…"

Blood represents inflicted wounds, and if that's what your parental units give to you on your day of solace, it is time for you to fly free… and never look back.
The past is the past and the past is behind you for a reason...
Leave it there... where it kindly belongs!

The desperation of guilt is never healthy to come in contact with, while health is the key to prosperity…
If you want to plant a tree in life, you must walk towards the water of those who enable you to flourish as the elements guide you towards the light that's always at the end of the tunnel… for real!
And you must vanish from those who trigger your monster form instead of helping you combat your demons and heal your scars…
You can associate with whoever the light guides you towards, which is surely far far away from the facade of pleasantness to the outside world and narcissism behind closed doors…

On your commencement day, it is time to bid farewell to the past that's infested with negative vibes trying to attach themselves to you
And step forward into the land that presents you with several smiley faces and hearts and stars and light and beauty and all your hopes and dreams… away from those who throw stars of darkness at you
As you gravitate towards the positive reality you can proudly call your own.

You deserve to shine…
The tree has been planted…
And life can now begin and prosper, just like how you can envision what the beautiful dreamland of a reality really looks like…
With the proper path being followed, the view from the top of the mountain is yours!
Congratulations, you have just won the game!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Raven Fly Free

This handy flash fiction story is about growing up and making progress in life, but you always need a little helping hand! Enjoy!


The prime time for night owls arises as now is the time to prepare for independence…

“Raven… it’s time to take flight!” The thoughts pulsate through her wings as the process of flying free is once again overthought… A crash into the wall becomes her fate…

Mission failed…

As the night of the pink nova moon takes shape, the color is blockaded by the greyness of pollution… Grey to represent the thunderous clap of the sorrowful skies as birds strive to fly freely to warmth without those blockades that cause failure and confinement…

“Raven… snap out of it…what are you doing? Get up! It’s time to take flight!”

She gazes towards the horizon with a crippling glare as giving up will never be an option. Fear is the black bird shielding the triumph that all shall wield. Raven will stop at nothing to proceed onward in the timeline! The sight of new scenery provokes the black bird to attack as perseverance is sent to Raven from the synergies of the moon. Denying and ignoring the moon will only result in a fiery black hole…

Raven graces onward as the spirits from above gravitate her towards a successful mission. Toxicity ignored, the pink nova moon prevails… The darkness and grey fade away as the brighter horizon is near.
She senses a blue song bird and gently floats towards the guiding star and the beautiful pink cookie-shaped structure.

“Raven… it’s time to take flight! Are you ready for this?” She soars into the great beyond as daylight begins to emerge. A new beginning is in sight! The light has now taken flight! Black holes shall never be in sight!

Mission complete!

Annihilation of Emptiness

Long story short, I've had a pretty bad case of feeling alone/having the "feels" lately... until that all magically changed this weekend and now I finally get to make up for some lost time this summer because I haven't really done too much. This isn't one of my happier poems, but I do reference a past "persona" that I referred to (the puppy)... and luckily, the story has a happy ending. Stay strong, everyone! If you're in a dark phase, pain is not permanent and I will continue to advocate that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel! Enjoy! (yes, this is spoken word too)

Sitting on the bench staring at the rest, the mind starts to recall when the aloneness has come to fruition....
You have entered the land of solitude, but not a bare cell absorbed with metal bars and lack of warmth... nope nope nope!

There was definitely a time at least 8 years ago when you referred to yourself as that little adorable dog running along the streets by herself...
Flash forward to now... while being consumed in adult form, being by yourself isn't necessarily a bad thing, but everything is dependent on perception...

Down the road, this independent woman still feels like that lonely lost puppy from the past... extending her hand as far as it could reach while waiting for the rainbows and the special power in the sky to answer her prayers...
The prayers of wishing the extra bows next to her ears which cause her to stand out don't possess an implicit "kick me" sign that bullies kindly attract themselves to... to try to run them into the ground like a rusty nail that's hammered into the ground and kicked into the dust...

It may be a social stigma to be seen in the cafeteria with no one else at your table...
It may be against the norm to go to a massive concert fest by yourself...
And sitting in a restaurant alone could lead to some stares that you graciously ignore while keeping within the infinite universe of your own mind... you don't want to be "that person" now, do you...

But that's ok!

You don't have to be a total introvert to not want to spend your time with anyone or you to make plans and everyone flakes on you. It's definitely better to actually do something instead of waiting for others to please you...
Life is yours... don't enable the goon headed dumbasses to take control of your goal because it will surely take its toll... and your heart will spiral out of control... you know, the one that starts sucking the last few inches of life as your struggle to keep hanging on will soon prevail!

Get to know yourself... see who you really are, what you like, who you want to be, the whole freeking horizon for that matter! It's yours, especially as an adult who better not let anyone strip them of their basic rights... It's your turn to bash those bullies!
Because in the end, pain makes you stronger and you're the bigger and better person for not succumbing to their awfulness...

The near-infinite is yours to tinker with.... go do something and stop waiting for others to please you because the only one you should be aiming to please is you...
But you never know when the mystery behind the mask will be unveiled... the one who graciously pulls you away from the land of solitude... to ditch the tides of emptiness and whirlwinds of the sorrowful waterfalls...
Thank you, thank you, the sun has emerged from its long-term hiding... lighting up a path to the necessary new beginnings towards the pleasant wonders that the little puppy with bows has been ever longing for...
Cheers to the life that you deserve... because pain is temporary... as there is always an answer for your prayers in the glittering sky! So please... keep hanging on! Your missing puzzle pieces do exist!
You better believe it!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Healthy Cucumber Veggie Bean Salad


1 large cucumber, chopped into small pieces
1 can chick peas
½ cup chopped white onion
2 chopped green onions
1 cup fresh spinach


3 tbsp olive oil
3 tbsp water
½ packet stevia leaf sugar (or ½ tsp)
1/3 cup rice vinegar
½ tsp garlic
½ tsp onion powder
½ tsp chili garlic sauce
½ tsp low sodium teriyaki sauce
¼ tsp ginger paste (powder works too)
¼ tsp mustard powder
½ tsp parsley
½ tsp freeze dried chives
½ tsp sesame seeds
Salt/Pepper to taste

Grab a large bowl to mix all ingredients in and make the dressing separately. Put veggies into the large bowl initially and top with dressing once made. This probably has at least 8 servings and took me about 15 minutes or so to make. Enjoy!

Open Mic Nite Performance Of "Stop Doubting Yourself"

This handy little poem is basically me advocating for people to stop doubting themselves.

I deviated a bit from the original script due to working on getting more comfortable not having a paper with me, but the original words of wisdom are here:

This was taken at Wicker Mic in Wicker Park, Chicago on 8-29-14!


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Open Mic Nite Performance Of "How to Wield Your Magic Wand"

That one time that I spontaneously decide to roll into an open mic nite because my Friday night freed up, I end up getting to perform at my first intimate show at "The Elevator Sessions" at the Justin Pauly Art Studio on 8-22-14 in River North, Chicago! Performing in front of like 7 people is definitely a lot different than giving a speech in front of 150, but cheers for stepping out of your comfort zone!

The moral of the story is... to stop allowing fear hold you back and start living life how you deserve to live it!

I definitely deviated from the "original script" a decent amount, but here's what I initially wrote:


Thursday, August 21, 2014

How to Wield Your Magic Wand

And the moral of the story is... to stop allowing fear hold you back and start living life how you deserve to live it! Spoken word. Totally want to perform this! Yup! Enjoy!


It was the first day of the rest of my life
No… not the first day I was born or torn or scorned or even freeking bored...
But it was that epic moment when I looked up and told myself, “hey, it’s about time that I stop letting the world run me,
Stop letting humanity control me,
Stop allowing fear to destroy me and swallow me whole,
And start being myself for once without even holding back an ounce of genuine…”

Because when you see the sun burn it's brightness toward your eyes at a nice and toasty 7am,
Do you want to spring out of your super comfy bed and be like, “ugh, this sucks”,
Or do you want to be like Spongebob who runs to his burger flipping job every single day screaming, “I’m ready, I’m ready” without being nearly as hilariously irritating as he is?

Think about it for a second…

If you want to take over the world in a non-villainous way, you better start taking action and learning how to be more successful than Pinky and the Brain, Team Rocket or Wile E. Coyote ever were… because in this story, you're the protagonist,
Not someone else... and especially not those lame "spirits" aka your own personal excuses that are erroneously manipulating you to be less than what you're truly capable of...
And causing your brightest potential to be withdrawn from right under your feet...

This is your story, now go enjoy it!

Despite their consistent failure and human-like shortcomings,
Both of which are completely inevitable, The one thing they all had in common is that they failed with pride and without fear...
Fear is the paralyzing enemy of the triumphant as it sucks you into its pit of despair while biting you with its venomous grip.
But a true success is willing to fall on their ass several times over again, and get up to continue running like it was nothing…

Do you want to win, or do you want to lose?
Now is the time to attack,
Now is the moment to live,
And the present is yours for free reign!

Now look up… yes you… look as far above as the naked eye can see… and ponder these words wisely…
When it’s your time to officially claim the top,
You don’t want to flop or drop or crash and burn and fall and fail and NOOOOO!!!
Don’t you dare think negatively,
Because those pesky sorrowful and depressing thoughts are only going to land you a nice and shiny pitch black “Game Over” screen!

It’s time to acknowledge that when you want to do big things that you’ve been destined to do your entire life,
Quit enabling fear to consume you and morph into your demise,
And instead, you’ll rise…
Rise until the angels are singing “Hallelujah", while shining a light at you and giving you a gospel tune that tells you “woohoo, you actually did it yaaaaayyy!”

You’re far better than you think you are…
And I’m dead serious when I say this!
The power is yours!
The choice is yours!
And even life… is all yours!

If you’re “that” hungry for your big break that’s far beyond what your dreams are even creating in your head right now,
Are you ready to wield your magic wand?
Do it!
The only thing stopping you is you!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

RIP Robin Williams: Be Mindful of Mental Illness

On August 11, 2014, the genie was released from his lamp for the final time. Robin Williams was quite the character to say the least; he always played the funny guy (or lady) in chart-topping movies such as Aladdin, Jumanji, Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, Night at the Museum. Not only was he a movie artist, but he successfully executed numerous performances of hilariousness on the standup stage.

Like many of us who invest our lives inspiring and/or humoring others, there's a possibility of possessing unnoticed severe pain inside your heart. This secret "pain" as society calls it, is depression in the books. To those suffering, when the disease reaches its peak, it feels like we've entered the black hole from hell and are stuck inside forever. All of the love, never-give-ups, and fan mail isn't enough to combat this brutal disease.

Depression is a disease. It may not make our insides deteriorate and our essential organs shut down, but it eats our well-being alive; it makes our minds, souls, and hearts shut down as if they've been ripped to shreds and burned. Some people think mental illness is a phase, all in your head, or even doesn't exist. Others say suicide is giving up, selfish, or even cowardly; in reality, it's not completely the sufferer's choice. Your body is reacting to the desires to free itself from all of the pain and suffering.

After this awful tragedy, people had the nerve to troll his daughter. The media also had the nerve to skew the truth just to gain attention and popularity All they were doing was taking away from what actually happened, which was a beautiful person leaving this world due to mental illness. Plain and simple. Stop over complicating everything, people!

Mental illness is an invisible illness that can become fatal if left untreated. Depression can be caused by chemical imbalances, genetics, situational/environmental factors such as being bullied, and much more. If you see yourself suffering to a point where you can't even function in life anymore, go get help. If you're thinking of killing yourself, there's anonymous lifelines where you can call and talk to someone. They had one of those at the university I attended. At one point, I had to call the hotline on one of my friends after one of his friends committed suicide, which ultimately led to him seeking help. There's even "To Write Love on Her Arms", which is an organization that spreads love to all, connects people to proper treatment, and provides an uplifting environment for spreading the awareness of mental illness.

Getting help is not and should not be a stigma or something "embarrassing". It's the same as going to the doctor if you're sick. I've even needed to seek help at times. The most difficult part of mental illness is admitting you have a problem and going to go take care of it. As soon as you take the first steps, the rest is a recovery battle. When you get help, tell yourself you're worthy of recovery and worthy of returning to the light again. Sometimes, all it takes is a push from one person.

From one star ending their life to another, to reduce the occurrence of suicide, admitting you need help or have a problem is not a display weakness. The desire to make yourself well again is a display of courage and strength. You can triumph through your worst nightmare. I believe in you!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Fire Font Photoshop Graphic

As you can see, I like to have some fun with Photoshop and I believe I made this when I was using Photoshop CS4 because I probably made this a couple years ago. I mostly used the tutorials below because using Google for tutorials is a HUGE help. Instead of making the font have a gradient in it (which I either purposely skipped that step, messed up, or both), I thought it would be cool to have all of the font be made of flaming awesomeness instead and used the liquefy feature (filter) to shape the letters... because fire is fierce! Enjoy!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Move Forward in the Presence of Tragedy

My response to all the recent tragedies is below... despite the pain we've seen on the news lately, we should still notice the beauty in life, move forward, and be as happy and positive as we can! Enjoy!


Dear beautiful universe,

If you're all aware of this lovely little fact, the purpose of life is to promote beauty, but do you feel like 2014 has lately been suffocated with tears of blood, mass destruction, and suffering... and more than usual of such tragedies?

Tragedy is not and should not be the central circle of the meaning of life. Life is not some depressing black hole that people keep abusing, despite the fact that we need to acknowledge that life isn't all unicorns and rainbows and we need to know that "shit happens"...

From the mass murders in Israel, to headlines of constant gun violence, and even locking young children in the car, for crying out loud, despite all these terrible things happening, that shouldn't be society's main focus! Let's look past all of this awfulness, devise a solution for the problem, and move forward towards a hopefully bright future...

Unless you're actually in mourning, or even if you're terminally ill, there's no reason to sit there and complain how much the world sucks and how much people suck... complaining isn't going to get you farther than the next person who wants to sit there and witness or join your tirades of discussing depressing topics. The world is actually a happier place than you think. Not only that, but if you focus only on the negative, your world will be negative and vice versa... because according to my guru friend (who's a holistic doctor), life happens in two places: first in your head, and then in the outside world's reality!

There's a vast difference between educating yourself with what's going on in the world and wanting to watch the news or enjoying history in school/in general than submerging your life into the black hole that people struggle to get their pretty faces out of... that would be called a loop, and you don't want that, right?

Life is a game, life is worth living, and despite the constant tragedies of 2014, just keep smiling and keep your heart whole!

With lots of smiles, optimism, and positivity,
Rebs McDuxler :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014

My Portfolio Website

My portfolio website is FINALLY at a point where it can be released to the public because it doesn't just have "testing 123" all over it -- --> Check it OUT!!!

This super awesome website (that I coded) is mainly for me to showcase and practice my programming skills, demonstrate my passions for IT and web development, have a "central hub" to show the world everything I do, and for self-marketing purposes.


Thursday, July 31, 2014

Stop Doubting Yourself

Here is me telling me and the rest of the awesome universe to stop freeking doubting themselves and putting themselves down. It's not healthy and not in your toolbox for happiness either... Here are my words of wisdom on this subject:


Dear beautiful universe,

Why... oh why must you doubt yourself like most of the general population? In a world where the norm says that confidence is key, it also appears that much of the norm also lacks said key aspect, but why?
Have you been bullied before? Have you been mistreated a ton? Or even cheated on, defeated, or stomped on? Figuratively to the last part of course... Is your support system diminishing? Can you even not count on your family for anything? If you've said yes to any of those, you may have been in a world of hurt at some point in your life... unfortunately, all of that garbage can lead to feelings of unworthiness and thinking you're someone less than who you really are and what you're truly capable of accomplishing.

If other people telling you that you can't do this and you can't do that and xyz the list can go on, don't listen to them. Yeah, that's easier said than done... been there, done that several times, but one big thing I say is that if you genuinely do suck at something, you'll know and be 100% sure. As much as other people's opinions don't matter, receiving positive enforcement always gives a glimmer of hope and then some. If it's your friends that are causing you to doubt yourself, then nab a group of friends who embrace you and give those jerkfaces that you're currently chilling with a "third finger salute"! Don't let people suck the life out of you... because only YOU are in control... not those GOONS!
If your family is doing that, same rules from above apply! No really, they do... except give them the finger on the inside and just prance away into the distant light...

It breaks my heart to see tons of people holding themselves back... from other people’s words too... and of course I'm guilty of doing the same thing plenty of times... but not only does it hurt, it's also a deep hole to dig yourself out of... and I am currently in the process of climbing my rear end out of that same hole...

If you realize how much you're depriving yourself of the list of first amendment rights, you'll realize how much you're truly damaging yourself... You need to be more aware of the fact that we're free to paint out own designs as we please to an extent, some restrictions apply... because you can make anything you want out of a bunch of dimes...! So if you're doubting yourself, stop it! Right now! You can snap yourself onto a positive track whenever you acquire that strong hunger for change and bettering yourself! Positive reinforcement always helps too to an extent!

Stop misguiding yourself and just tell yourself "I AM a good person", "I CAN do this", and "look how SUCCESSFUL I am" because you're generally capable of a lot more than you think. Find those who can feed you words of wisdom and give you a giant hug afterwards. Find those who support your every move, no matter how silly. Find those who can tell you that you made a mistake and encourage you to carry on.

You can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it... x infinite! Words are power, power is yours, the choices are infinite, and aim your goals higher than you think you can achieve... Keep reinforcing positivity in your life and the words "I can do it", no matter how out there and large your ambitions are and you'll be hugging the moon in no time!

With unlimited amounts of love,
Rebs McDuxler :)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Blank Hallway Graphic

I decided to have some fun with photoshop... and like anime and creating my own quotes. Enjoy!

What is Belegarth?

Yeah, I've been thinking about it all day, so why not write about it? Today's rantriffic mood will tell all! And yes, this is kind of long, but I'm a writer what can I say?

That moment when the word "belegarth" crosses your vocabulary in a sentence among a bunch of "normal" people… such as your 40+ year old coworkers in your oh so lovely corporate office job. Obviously at first, they're going to be like a deer in headlights, but that's the reaction that most people have when they see what we do.

So what the heck is this "belegarth" thing anyways?

Pronounced just like bel-garth, it's basically a medieval foam sword fighting buffer combat sport. Long story short, you're playing some crazy awesome game, trying to kill people (in the game of course), whacking each other with these foam weapons while dressed in medieval garb and possibly some armor… yes, it is legit armor. The people MAKE THESE THINGS THEMSELVES for crying out loud. The craftsmanship that goes behind things such as leather tooling is absolutely insane! I wish I could do that, but you can of course buy your gear too! The most intricate thing about this game is completely based on the honor system (there is a referee though).

When someone asks "is this LARPing"? Technically, the answer is no (belegarth doesn't specifically LARP, but you can do it on your own or there are closely related games, such as amtgard and nero, which are more along the lines of LARPing). To make it easier on people who probably don't want to listen to a rant, I just answer "yes", and they pretty much get it to an extent after that.

Inn case you're wondering why belegarth isn't necessarily LARPing, LARPing has a story to it while you're playing the game and belegarth you can do it on your own, but the only object of the game is to hit people! And it's a ton of fun!

When someone asks "do you just beat the crap out of each other", same as above, I just answer yes while of course giggling after I say it. But this so called "sport" represents a lot more than beating each other with foam weapons and wearing garb.

I've only been in it for a little over a year now, I've been to several mini events and 3 camping events, going on 4 (Ocfest yaaaayyyy!!! :D) and I can honestly say it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's also pretty gnarly that martial arts translates very well (thanks Shotokan Karate), and I've been doing that for about 7.5 years total now… with that plus my contact sports background, it at least gives me a little bit of a heads up. Martial arts experience or not, stepping on the field for the first time was scary and stepping on the national event field for the first time was so scary that I basically almost cried, but was happy that I managed to kill someone!

When I mention the honor system, you "admit" when you get hit. Your reputation carries throughout the game, which teaches you about life. Yes, you learn all of these super handy life skills that you could never imagine, such as vanilla extract and water to ward gnats off. I wouldn't have even thought of that. Not only that, but I've been able to very well utilize my fruitful amount of leadership experience to a great degree. There's even a "guild" that promotes leadership and service (which I of course joined). There's so many ways to get involved! In my opinion, it's better than any college party I've ever been to because people know how to handle themselves and aren't total dumb idiots. People watch each other's backs to ensure all safety. People also craft their own Meade, beer, apple pie drank, and other tasty concoctions (food and drink) and it's soooooo good unlike anywhere else. If you don't choose to partake in "those types of activities", no one will ever force anything upon you and is very respectful of your decisions. The camaraderie is amazing as well! Oh, and you're camping for days! ;)

But life skills is the least of it… it's the PEOPLE that makes this such a special place for me and probably thousands of other people all over the world. And in case you're wondering if there's a party and nightlife, absolutely yes there is!

What types of people even do belegarth? The honest answer is that nerds do it because the game is a fair neighbor to Dungeons and Dragons, and I would even degree that it has a close relationship to chess. Am I a nerd? Yeah, of course I am. I'm a freeking web developer, was in band from 5th grade throughout all of college, and the list goes on for a pretty long while. But I'm also a sorority girl… and not your typical young lady either. People from all walks of life join in this awesomeness and everyone is welcomed with open arms. That alone blows me away because I've never walked into a place on day 1 and been treated so well. These people are seriously the most genuine people I've ever met. When you live in a world of people who try to fit a certain mold, it's nice to have people who are actually comfortable being themselves… as am I. I've always been a nerd… I've always been different… but it takes a fair amount of confidence to enter this newfound world because it's nothing like you've ever seen before… but as I've been told, everything happens for a reason, just like joining belegarth.

They had a local realm (place to practice) where I went to college, but to me, and for most of society, they'd take a gander… just long enough for a short glance, and just continue walking. And that is exactly what I did for all 4 years of college. Most people see this as "weird" and would never even dare go in there. I was also pretty busy trying to graduate and get a job, but that's besides the point. My friend at school invited me to come practice a few times, but I was too busy with the over-involvement cycle I was already in, which meant that the timing wasn't right. With the strong desire for a new beginning and to get out of my post-graduation slump, another invite from the same friend was suddenly brought to my attention… my response this time? Sure, I'll give it a fair chance. I had never done it before and deemed that I had no right to prejudge this before actually trying it… and I have never looked back since.

I feel like most people find out about this sport through either word of mouth or being a passerby in the park where people are practicing, but someday I want this to be more widespread than that :)

Belegarth is the most family oriented group I've ever seen in my entire life (and I've been involved in plenty of groups and organizations). People view their unit-mates as their LEGITIMATE family. I am dead serious. It is that real. I was told in my sorority that "in order to receive much, you must give much" while all having a central focus on love being the highest pillar in life. All of that heavily translates to this sport, which is why people have been fighting for most of their lives and even bring their kids into fighting. I am literally happy EVERY SINGLE TIME I go to a practice, even when I'm in the worst possible mood. Everyone helps the new people get adjusted, tell them the rules, and make sure they're comfortable, while everyone immerses in a cycle of paying it forward.

Not only is this community more welcoming than anything I've ever seen, have the most genuine people I've ever met, and have a very heavy focus on family, honor, and moral values, everyone is always willing to help everyone. There's always a bad seed somewhere, so don't feel alarmed when you see some, but don't let those people turn you away. But for about 99.5% of the time, people have your back and will want to be there for you if you "seriously needed something" (the .5% accounts for people being people, but I'm of course being generous about it). After first joining, being overweight and such too from college, I was still in a pretty big slump and felt as horrible as can be… going to work was even difficult at that point (but I still managed to pull through regardless). At my first camping event, during line battles on that Saturday, I totally got full on nailed by a spear in the face. I didn't cry, but it felt bad enough to make me need to walk it off bracing pain while he felt pretty bad and took an "honor death" because face shots aren't legal shots. A series of events from the past coming back together means that belegarth is definitely a very small world (I had known him from high school fencing and ran into an unexpected person totally out of nowhere).

He introduces me to one of his realm leaders, who I encounter at one of my practices, ask him for advice totally out of the blue, and he tells me to come talk to him. Me being like, "um I did NOT expect this reaction", pauses for a second and nods. By "come talk to him", meaning that he's a holistic doctor and owns his own business. You definitely meet people from all different walks of life, but this oh so wonderful person helped me kick my poor mental health to the curb, lose over 35 pounds, and become far more motivated in general than ever. I have never been this happy, and it is in a large portion thanks to joining belegarth.

Now do you know what belegarth is? It's family, friendship, fun, and honor all wrapped up into some crazy fun nerd game. Yay for nerd bring the new cool!

I never introduced myself, but if you got this far, my name's Maron McNight (my fighting name of course), and you can find me up in the windy city (Chicago) and practice most commonly at the lovely realm of Nightfort, located in the northwest burbs.

Here's some Facebook groups of the surrounding area realms in case you're interested in joining this awesomeness :D

Here's the wiki page for the sport in general:

Here's the most up to date map of active realms in the US (or close):

And here's the most up to date list of realms (on the main website, which is

If you're not from Chicago, have no fear, see above and you can find somewhere to go play. Now do you know what belegarth is? I hope to all who join find amazing pleasure and fun in this lovely land of play sword fighting for adults!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Seven Magical Ways to Create Better Opportunities for Yourself

These all may sound cliché, but if you’re tired of feeling stagnant and crave progression in life, here are 7 magical and simple ways to create better opportunities for yourself:

1.       Be proactive. Opportunity doesn’t usually just come knocking on your door when you’re sitting on your butt doing nothing. The more you actively pursue opportunities to better yourself, such as attending training courses at work, attending networking events, and pursuing leadership positions, you need to drive the bus! You're in charge of your career and don't take no for an answer... meaning if someone says no to what you want, find another way to grab it if you have the drive and perseverance to do so!

2.       Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and seek endeavors that are beyond what you think you are capable of, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Try something new and take risks... even though everyone else and their entire friend circle of successful people would say. If you think you want to be the president of a club at school or the CEO of your own company, don't sell yourself short with self-doubt or think you'll suck because you've never done it before. Of course you're not going to be perfect the first or second or even third try, but trying just means you're growing and learning from mistakes!

3.       Feel comfortable asking “how can I help” to show initiative and interest. Similar to being proactive, this moreso involves finding a task, objective, or role that you have a strong desire to fulfill that someone else is doing and ask how you can help. This is especially beneficial if you're in search for further experience in an area that you want to learn about and don't know as much as you'd like to yet, as well as at a job. Who knows, maybe you can fall in love with something you never could imagine all because you offered to help someone! Also, asking to help someone is always a benefit to you (if they say yes) because it's always a learning opportunity, meaning more invaluable knowledge for you to pocket away and another category of experience for you to add to your arsenal of awesomeness!

4.       Be excited to learn from challenges that you accept… with or without reluctance. Yay learning and yay challenges! Challenges foster learning and learning fosters bettering yourself, so why not, right? So what if you fall or even fail. Get back up! You can do it!

5.       Embrace and be empowered by change. Change may be scary at first, but change also means new experiences, overcoming obstacles, and self growth and awareness. For example, magically turning from college student to adult was one of the most daunting life changes I've ever made and is probably #1 on my list, but changes like these are 500% inevitable. If you resist change, you will make yourself miserable. It's not easy and will never be easy, but if you want to better yourself, taking a risk or leap of faith in life means you're going to just have to accept change!

6.       NETWORK!!!! I can thank the Association of Information Technology Professionals for advocating this handy tip. Networking doesn't just mean dressing up in a suit to hand resumes out to potential employers, but it means trying to get your name and your word out to as many people as you can. Networking also doesn't have to be just for "professional endeavors", but can also take place when immersed in a large group while trying to meet people in a more social/laid back setting. Just think of it this way, the more people who know you and the more people you've handed your business cards to (vistaprint sells nice ones), as well as any cards you receive (or contact info that you exchange), the more people that can possibly meet to help you find where you belong or even give you a recommendation to help you land your next big gig or job!

7.       Stay positive and never give up when the going gets tough... If the timing isn’t right for something, don't worry about it too much. If you're young like me, realize that even though life is short, you have plenty of time to make awesomeness happen. When people tell you that everything happens for a reason, it's absolutely true! Rejection also happens... a lot more than you think. The chances of you getting accepted to everything you apply for are slim to none (unless you're super duper lucky). Don't let rejection bring you down or make you quit. The stories you hear of people triumphing after being homeless, getting tons of sorry letters, getting cut from the team several times, etc. are absolutely true! Rejection means to either keep working towards what you want or that there's a better opportunity that's waiting for you and you'll find it in due time! Giving up just means you're never going to see accomplishment... and trust me, the gratification from the "yes" answer you've been craving is worth the wait!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

All of my Blogs

Now that I've been blogging for a decent while and am currently in a state of trying to establish myself, here are the following blogs (and websites) I am currently authoring and working on making bigger and stronger:

*Portfolio -
*Healthspiration Station --

1. Main Blog --
2. IT Field Success --
3. #adultproblems --
4. Anime Luvers --
5. Random Thought Blurbs --
6. Healthspiration Station -
7. Your Friendly Neighborhood Uber Driver --
8. Cheapity Cheap Noms --


Saturday, July 12, 2014

Welcome to #adultproblems - New Blog

I have a new blog (yay!) called hashtagadultproblems, which is the new forum for people to post their adult-related problems, followed by #adultproblems

Here's the URL:

Happy adult-ing! The funny complaints are for hilariousness and humor only! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

6 Misconceptions People Have Towards LARPing

Before I say anything, first off, LARP means live action role play, and if you're wondering if I take part of any of this, yes, I absolutely do. I am a part of a group called "Belegarth Medieval Combat Society", which is actually more of a boffer combat sport with some optional LARPing aspects involved. Similar games to this include Dagorhir and Amtgard, but there are plenty of groups like this all over the world!
To those of you who are going to pre judge any sort of LARPing game or boffer combat sport before actually trying it, these are some comments I've heard from people when I'd go to tell them about these activities, as well as what I've heard from the grapevine in general:

1. "This is really stupid..."

If you haven't done any of this before and think you can sit there calling it stupid and go judging away, you have no right. If you genuinely dislike these types of things, so be it, but you have no right to judge anyone just for wanting to have fun in an extremely nerdy fashion. You also can't just assume something sucks based on rumors. To be honest, when I saw the club practicing at my college, I basically just glanced and walked away because I cared what other people would think about me because I'd be doing something as "different" as this. It looked kind of silly, and I thought all of the people were a bunch of weirdos, despite not knowing a single one of them. One day last summer, a dear friend of mine who was in the club at school invited me to a practice around where I live at home because he was in town for the summer and it decided to give it a fair chance. Little did I know that deciding to give this a fair chance would be one of the best decisions I've made to this day. Being a part of this sport, let alone massive community of awesomeness and nerds, has made an immensely positive impact  on me... in just a year! I have been meeting the most genuine people I've ever seen in my entire life and I am eternally thankful I was introduced to this. The moral of the story is that you never know until you try and you can't judge a book by its cover to assume that something is going to be totally weird (in a bad way) until you've picked up a sword or at least talked to someone who's in it to determine whether or not you're interested!

2. "Everyone who participates uses this as some kind of escape and does drugs"

This was mostly brought up by family members who are clearly unsupportive of me, but this is definitely false, especially the part about drugs. The sport I do is actually more of a boffer combat sport and not "LARPing" unless you do roleplaying on your own. I can see why people would think this is some kind of an escape because you dress up in medieval garb in the middle of the park and hit people with foam sticks. For me, going to practices and events are just "a trip to happy land" for me because I'm consistently surrounded by good people and am always happy every time I attend any kind of function for it. Also, with being in an organization that's on many college campuses, drinking and drugs do happen in college. Not only that, but hanging out with these people is much safer than going to fraternity parties because people legitimately care about your safety and everybody watches out for everybody. If you're new to the game as well, people keep an extra special eye on you (during the night life part of the game) to make sure that you're happy and want to continue coming back. Plus, good luck doing drugs and going on the fighting field... you'd be a useless blob!

3. "These people are all losers... go meet more 'professional people'"

As much as this awesomeness is not resume worthy (in most cases), I have learned more life skills by being in this sport than any of the other activities I did in college... yes, this includes being the president of the club for IT majors during my senior year of college. Luckily, any leadership experience you gain in school seems to translate very well for this. Being a part of a group like this has exposed me to people who come from all walks of life, ranging from male nurses to college students to web developers to teachers to iron workers to holistic doctors and everything in between. I'm sorry if you think that the only way to be successful is sitting in an office at your lovely 9-5 job doing whatever and climbing up the corporate ladder or working some white collar job in your field of study from school... because it's not. I'm also sorry if you think that people need to always be "normal" all the time and do "normal" activities, like volunteering, joining a group to meet new people and discuss the world, and being involved in professional organizations in your field, which I do anyways. Not only that, but just because I make one bad group of friends, realize it pretty quickly, and get rid of them doesn't mean I'm going to be foolish enough to make the same mistake again. These people who you may consider "losers" have real jobs, can support themselves, and some even are married and have families. Of course, you may find a couple worms in your giant basket of apples, but we are all the same people as everyone else with as much or more life ambition than you have. We just have different tastes in our hobbies than you do!

4. "Everyone is really, really weird"

Weird... what even is weird? I feel like weird is the new cool and creepy is the new weird. And who cares if we're all weird anyways? We're having fun, and that's all that should matter! If you get to know these people on the inside instead of staring at the medieval garb they're wearing, you'll realize that you're meeting some pretty interesting people with nice stories to tell who are very far from fake! I'd also be kind of bored if all of my friends had "typical jobs" and did "typical, non-weird activities" because being different is fun and not being typical is and should be the new norm! This is a type of community you won't be able to find anywhere else and I am thankful to now be a part of something as wonderful as this! So think twice if you think these people are all "weird", because that's just a false generalization!

5. "Go do something better with your time"

...says the person who sits on the couch every waking moment watching TV. Hey, at least I'm doing something fun, spending time with some of the most wonderful people I've ever met, and in my case, am getting tons of exercise. Thanks to this awesomeness (and of course eating right, further exercise, etc.), I've been able to lose over 30 pounds so far. You're probably just jealous that I'm having so much fun all the time and found something I'm truly passionate about besides for my career, music, writing, and karate! Yeah, it's not an activity you'll hear your typical person say they do, but I work in an office and everyone I've told who I work with is super interested and fascinated by what I do. They always ask about it, especially when I return from a camping event (which I use vacation time to go). As long as you still manage to go to work every day, are doing something you love, and still have your eyes on the prize of success you're craving oh so much, just live your life and screw what other people think about how you spend your time!

Also, if you see some of the craftsmanship that's involved with making leather armor, making weapons, making garb, making chainmail, etc., all I have to say is HOLY CRAP! These people make beautiful works of art while putting hours and hours into what they do and I wish I can do that! Yes, people make their own stuff for this (and you can of course buy it too)!

6. "Go get real exercise because no one cares about being healthy"

With what I do (belegarth), running around and hitting people is actually a lot more difficult than it looks. In fact, you need a ton of coordination and endurance to stay fighting for a long time. Imagine being in the hot sun and running around hitting people for hours... if you don' t think "that" is exercise, then you go try! I've even hit a point where I'm trying to figure out how my karate skills can be used for this and vice versa! Water is always heavily promoted and people will always bring some (or sometimes bring giant coolers) to make sure you drink water! Worst case scenario, there will be a fountain or someone to share with you if you forget water because if you fight long enough, your body will tell you to drink water! Because of the possibility to obtain sports injuries, people will be on your butt if you complain about feeling injured, go fight full blast, and come off the field feeling worse... We want people to keep fighting, not be hurt!

Unfortunately, in terms of health consciousness, I have found that the population of people who want to be/eat healthy all the time seems to be a minority. I could be wrong, but that's what I've noticed... not just with this, but in general. Thankfully, everyone is extremely respectful of how you choose to eat. More importantly, if you have food allergies, especially at events, everyone is extremely wary and will not knowingly give you food that you're allergic to (but you need to tell them you're allergic of course). After practices, people like to go to McDonald's, a buffet, a burrito place, or anywhere that is seemingly unhealthy. If you don't choose to partake, your decision will not be made fun of at all. When I do go, it's a nice bonding experience and health conscious me over here just gets the least unhealthy thing on the menu that I can find so I can enjoy the company and not feel horrible about what I ate. Everyone is just very supportive in general. However, when you're at an event camping overnight for a few days and alcohol is involved, don't expect to have the best diet that weekend (and don't eat or drink too much either). I CAN say that because of doing this, I met the person who ended up inspiring me to reach my optimal health potential, so thank you belegarth for just helping me to become a better person in general (and healthier too of course)!

If your friends or even your family doesn't support you doing something like this, SO WHAT! It's their opinion, you're doing something that is SAFE, FUN, and MAKES YOU HAPPY. It may not be resume-worthy in most cases, but as long as you're HAPPY, that's all that should matter :)

For more information about what I do, be sure to check out and like "Belegarth Medieval Combat Society" on Facebook :)